ADP CSR Report 2020
Ensuring health and safety Our actions to promote the health and safety of our employees and employees of our airport partners cover very diverse fields and rely on 4 main levers:
1 Health and safety in light of the pandemic The health protocols were deployed very quickly to ensure the safety of all workers at our airports. They were validated by the Airport Health Accreditation (AHA) programme implemented by the Airports Council International (ACI). Preventing psychosocial risks The health crisis, the generalisation of telecommuting and the high level of short-time working have generated new forms of stress. To support our employees and prevent psychosocial risks, occupational doctors, the social service, heads of HR and managers, were mobilised throughout the entire period; we also offered an external helpline and psychological support. We also supported local managers in the remote management of their staff. In 2021, we will adopt a disconnection charter. 2
3 Accident prevention The sharp fall in air traffic and our airports’ activity resulted in a decrease in the number of workplace accidents in 2020. In addition to this cyclical factor, the situation has improved significantly: the frequency rate in 2020 was 11.48 for Aéroports de Paris SA, compared to 12.88 in 2019. However, we remain vigilant: prevention, monitoring of the nature and causes of accidents as well as feedback are analysed in the Executive Committee twice a month.
4 Supporting our partners and subcontractors Because the workers at our airports are part of the same working community, we support companies in developing their occupational safety and prevention plan. We also want to strengthen the weighting of occupational health and safety criteria in the awarding of our subcontracting contracts. An alert process for serious accidents that have occurred at our subcontractors has been put in place in order to identify high-risk situations and contribute to corrective actions.
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