ADP CSR Report 2020
Enhancing the quality of life at work of our employees
Our policy to improve quality of life at work, undertaken for several years, has been adapted and strengthened to take into account changes in current and future working conditions in the context of the health crisis:
FRANCE Telecommuting: a working method appreciated by our employees — In June 2020, we conducted a survey of our French employees on exceptional telecommuting: 76% of them feel that they have produced better quality work with better efficiency (88%), and 59% also consider that it has had a beneficial effect on work-life balance. The difficulty of disconnecting from work (56%) and the feeling of isolation (56%) have been increased when telecommuting is on a full-time basis. This does not call into question the attractiveness of this way of working: in the end, 77% of employees want to use telecommuting more regularly, but rather on the basis of 2 or 3 days a week. An amendment to the collective agreement on telecommuting, taking account of these expectations, was signed on 13 October 2020.
Continuing to deploy telecommuting
2 Recognising the essential role of managers They were called upon in particular for the implementation of telecommuting and organisational adaptations resulting from short-time working. We must therefore support them, to help them stay close to their teams, ensure the quality of life at work and be involved in the prevention of occupational risks. The “Crisis & Transformation Manager” support programme and the tools we offer them respond to 4 key issues: sharing the vision with the teams; developing managers’ transformation leadership; promoting support for change; developing new ways of working.
Many employees were already experimenting with regular or
occasional telecommuting before the health crisis, particularly at Aéroports de Paris SA (collective agreement
since 2016), with very positive feedback from managers and
employees. Therefore, it was possible to rapidly implement its exceptional practice at all our Paris airports to deal with the health crisis, as well as in Turkey and other countries where TAV is located (Tunisia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Macedonia and Saudi Arabia) where telecommuting has been widespread, while 46% of AIG (Jordan) employees worked remotely in 2020. The Group is now focusing on supporting local managers in their task of organising work incorporating this method.
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