2022 Universal Registration Document

Share cap i tal and sharehold i ng structure

Additional information on the share capital and statutory provisions

Share capital authorised but not issued The table below specifies (1) the delegations approved by the shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting of 17 May 2022 (the “EGM”) for a period of 26 months and that were in effect on 31 December 2022, (2) the number of the draft resolutions concerned,

and (3) the maximum nominal amount of each transaction. These delegations were not used during the 2022 financial year.

Delegations given to the Board of Directors by the EGM

Resolution no.

Maximum nominal amount or ceiling as a percentage (authorisation for 26 months) €97 million, i.e. 33% for dilutive capital increases P Overall ceiling from which the following sub-caps are deducted: ◆ €97 million, i.e. 33% in capital increases with preferential subscription rights 1


Dilutive capital increases


Global cap on dilutive capital increases

◆ €29 million, i.e. 10% in capital increases without preferential subscription rights 3 ◆ €29 million, i.e. 10% in capital increases during the offer period 6

Capital increase with preferential subscription rights


Capital increase

€97 million P 1 6 i.e. 33% in capital

Issue of debt securities

€500 million 2

Capital increase without preferential subscription rights, by public offering (excluding private placement) Capital increase without preferential subscription right, through a private placement offer Increase in the number of shares in the event of a capital increase with or without preferential subscription rights Capital increase reserved for subscribers to an Employee Savings Scheme Capital increase without preferential subscription rights as compensation for a public exchange offer initiated by the Company Capital reduction by cancellation of treasury shares Capital increase during the offer period For resolutions 17, 18, 19 and (when used in connection with an issue under resolutions 17, 18 or 19) 20 Capital increase by incorporation of premiums, reserves, profits or other 21 Capital increase as compensation for contributions in kind 18 19

€29 million P 3 6 i.e. 10% in capital

Capital increase

Issue of debt securities

€500 million 2

€29 million P 3 6 i.e. 10% in capital

Capital increase

Issue of debt securities

€500 million 2


Increase in the number of securities to be issued

15% of the initial issue P 4 6


Capital increase

€97 million, i.e. 33% in capital 5


Capital increase

€2.9 million P 3 i.e. 1% in capital


Capital increase

€29 million P 3 i.e. 10% in capital

Issue of debt securities

€500 million 2


Capital increase

10% of the share capital at the time of issue P 3


Capital reduction 10% of the number of shares comprising the share capital


Capital increase

10% of the number of shares comprising the share capital

P With deduction from the global ceiling for dilutive capital increases of €97 million nominal value. 1 With deduction from the sub-ceiling for capital increases with preferential subscription rights of €97 million nominal value. 2 With deduction from the overall ceiling for the issue of debt securities of the Company of €500 million. 3 With deduction from the sub-ceiling for capital increases without preferential subscription rights of €29 million nominal value. 4 With, for an issue with preferential subscription rights, deduction from the ceiling (1) and for an issue without preferential subscription rights, deduction from the ceiling (3). 5 Without deduction from the overall ceiling for dilutive capital increases. 6 With deduction from the sub-ceiling for capital increases of €29 million par value in the event of a capital increase during the Company’s offer period.



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