2022 Universal Registration Document

Share cap i tal and sharehold i ng structure 7 Additional information on the share capital and statutory provisions

Description of the share buyback program submitted for approval to the Annual General Meeting scheduled for 16 May 2023 At its meeting of 29 March 2023, the Board of Directors submitted for the approval of the Annual General Meeting of 16 May 2023 a resolution to renew the authorisation granted to the Board of Directors to decide on the implementation of a share buyback program to trade in the Company’s shares. This program is described below. Maximum portion of the share capital that may be repurchased by the Company: 10% of the shares comprising the share capital of the Company (for information purposes, 9,896,060 shares as of the date of filing of this Universal Registration Document) at the date of the repurchase; the total number of shares held on a given date may not exceed 10% of the Company’s share capital on the same date. Objectives of the program: ◆ stimulation of the secondary market or the liquidity of the ADP share by an investment services provider acting independently under a liquidity contract in accordance with the market practices accepted by the AMF; and/or ◆ the allocation or sale of shares to employees, as their participation in the benefits of the Company’s expansion or the implementation of any Company or Group savings plan (or equivalent plan) under the conditions set forth by the law and in particular articles L. 3332-1 et seq. of the French Labour Code; and/or ◆ the free allocation of shares to employees under the provisions of articles L. 225-197-1 ‑ et seq. ‑and L. 22-10-9 et seq. of the French Commercial Code; and/or ◆ in general, to honour obligations in connection with stock option programs or other allocations of shares to employees or corporate officers of the Company or an associate; and/or ◆ the implementation of any Company stock option plan under the provisions of articles L. 225-177 et seq. and article L. 22 10-56 et seq. of the French Commercial Code, or any similar plan; and/or ◆ the cancellation of all or part of the shares thus purchased, subject to an authorisation to reduce the share capital granted by the Extraordinary General Meeting; and/or ◆ the remittance of shares when exercising rights attached to securities giving access to the share capital by redemption, conversion, exchange, presentation of a bond or in any other manner; and/or

◆ retain and subsequently deliver shares (as payment, exchange, contribution or other) as part of external growth, merger, spin off or contribution transactions; ◆ allow the Company to trade in the Company’s shares for any other purpose authorised or that may come to be authorised by the law or regulations in force as well as the implementation of any market practice that may come to be accepted by the Autorité des marchés financiers . Buyback terms: the acquisition, disposal or transfer of shares may be carried out at any time within the limits authorised by the laws and regulations in force, and by any means, in one or more stages, on regulated markets, multilateral trading systems or over-the counter, including by acquisition or disposal of blocks, by public offer to purchase, sell or exchange, or by the use of options or other traded financial contracts or by remittance of shares following the issue of securities giving access to the Company’s share capital by conversion, exchange, redemption, exercise of a warrant or in any other manner, either directly or indirectly through an investment services provider (without limiting the portion of the buyback program that may be implemented by any of these means), or in any other manner. Maximum purchase price: maximum purchase price per share of €255, excluding acquisition costs, for buybacks made with the objective of stimulating the secondary market or the liquidity of ADP shares and of €210, excluding acquisition costs, for the other transactions of the program. The maximum amount that the Company may allocate to this share buyback program is €1,100 million. Duration of the program: 18 months from 16 May 2023, i.e. until 16 November 2024. Implementation of the program: the Board of Directors decided, on 29 March 2023, subject to the condition precedent of the approval by the General Meeting of 16 May 2023 of the draft resolution relating to the authorisation to be given to the Board of Directors to the effect of trading in the Company’s shares, of implementing the share buyback program authorised by said meeting under a liquidity contract entered into between the Company and an investment services provider, namely as of the date of filing of this document, Rothschild & Compagnie Banque. The sum of €30 million has been allocated to the implementation of this objective. Securities not representing share capital Aéroports de Paris’ outstanding bond debt amounted to €7,902 million at 31 December 2022. Details of the bonds are provided in Note 9.4.1 to the consolidated financial statements presented in Chapter 6.



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