2022 Universal Registration Document

Share cap i tal and sharehold i ng structure 7 Additional information on the share capital and statutory provisions

obligation, as from the date of definitive allocation of the shares, the duration of which may not be shorter than that required by the legal provisions applicable on the date of the award decision ( i.e. to date, one year); however, this holding obligation may be waived by the Board of Directors for free shares granted for which the vesting period has been set at a period of at least two years; Information on the share capital of the Company and that of its subsidiaries subject to an option or an agreement to place it under option No stock option plan has been set up by the Company. With regard to the retail and services business, for a description of the contractual agreements concluded by Aéroports de Paris (i) with companies of the Lagardère Travel Retail group, for the retail subsidiaries Extime Duty Free Paris (formerly Société de Distribution Aéroportuaire) and Relay@ADP, (ii) with JC Decaux France SAS for the company Média Aéroports de Paris in the field of advertising, and (iii) with Select Service Partner for EPIGO in the field of catering, see Section 1.1.3 “Retail and services – Île de-France airports”.

At its meeting of 29 March 2023, the Board of Directors decided to submit for the approval of the Annual General Meeting of 16 May 2023 a resolution to authorise the Board of Directors to allocate free existing shares to employees or to some of them. The corresponding draft resolution is described below. Delegation to the Board of Directors: authorisation given by the General Meeting to the Board of Directors (and, as necessary, delegation of its authority with the option of subdelegation to the extent authorised by law) to grant, on one or more occasions, free existing shares, for the benefit of the beneficiaries or categories of beneficiaries that it determines from among the employees of the Company or of companies or groups related to it under the conditions provided for in article L. 225-197-2 of the French Commercial Code; Cap: 0.1% of the share capital on the day of the decision of the Board of Directors deciding on the allocation; Vesting period: the free allocation of shares to their beneficiaries will become definitive at the end of a vesting period, the duration of which may not be less than that required by the legal provisions applicable on the date of the allocation decision ( i.e. to date, one year); Retention period: the shares definitively acquired will be subject, at the end of the aforementioned vesting period, to a holding Corporate object In accordance with article 2 of the Articles of Association, the purpose of the Company, in France and abroad, is to: ◆ perform the construction, laying-out, operation and development of airport facilities; ◆ develop any industrial or service activity in the airport area for all categories of customers; ◆ enhance the value of all the movable and real estate assets it owns or uses; ◆ take, acquire, operate or assign all processes and patents concerning activities related to the aforementioned purposes; ◆ directly or indirectly take part in any transactions that could relate to any of these purposes, through the incorporation of new companies and undertakings, contribution, subscription or purchase of securities or corporate rights, acquisition of interest, merger, association or otherwise; ◆ generally, carry out any industrial, commercial, financial, movable or real estate transactions directly or indirectly related to any of the aforementioned purposes. 7.4.2 STATUTORY PROVISIONS

Management bodies See section 3.2 of this document. Rights attached to shares

Pursuant to article 11 of the Articles of Association, each share shall entitle the holder to profits and Company assets in a proportion corresponding to the portion of share capital that it represents. It also entitles the holder to voting rights and the right to be represented at General Meetings in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association and applicable laws and regulations. Therefore, at all General Meetings, each shareholder has as many votes as the number of paid up shares he/she owns or represents, without limitations other than those that could result from legal provisions. The Articles of Association of Aéroports de Paris have not been modified to oppose the application of article L. 225-123 of the French Commercial Code, as amended by Law No. 2014-384 of 29 March 2014, intended to reclaim the real economy, known as the “Florange Law”. As a result, as of 3 April 2016, in accordance with the aforementioned law, fully paid-up shares which have been registered for at least two years in the name of the same shareholder, are automatically entitled to double voting rights.



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