2022 Universal Registration Document
Soc i al , env i ronmental and soc i etal respons i b i l i ty i nformat i on 4 Lead the environmental transition of the airport and support that of air transport
sector but now extends this objective to all types of buildings, including passenger terminal projects. In 2022, the real estate department of Aéroports de Paris SA drew up a guide to requirements related to biodiversity for its partner-tenants of units within its real estate portfolio: the “Cahier des Charges Paysages et Biodiversité” specifications. The objective of this structuring reference document is to create a framework of actions and share a common objective between the various players in the development and construction of airport platforms. The aim is to support the implementation of new urban development culture and savoir-faire that respect biodiversity. Based in particular on benchmark transactions, this guide presents: Internationally, Liège airport’s strong commitment to energy efficient buildings is noteworthy. It is committed to ensuring that its new buildings are at least neutral or even positive energy. This has resulted, for example, in the design and construction of a building powered entirely by geothermal energy. It should be noted that this technology is also being studied in the design of several buildings planned by the real estate department of Aéroports de Paris. To align with long-term (2050) CO 2 emissions reduction targets but also to adapt to the RE 2020 environmental regulations, Groupe ADP wants to better understand the carbon emissions associated with all buildings and infrastructure at the different phases of their life (construction, operation and end-of-life phase), and is developing tools for this purpose. Actions are taken to promote the reuse of materials and incorporate low-carbon In 2022, Aéroports de Paris launched the development of a tool for budgeting the carbon impact of investment projects to be first tested on its Paris airports (in 2023) and intended to be extended to TAV airports (in 2024) and rolled out in 2025. The emissions taken into account in this tool are those related to construction, maintenance or renovation, heating and cooling energy consumption, electricity consumption and the demolition of structures. Aéroports de Paris has set itself the following target for 2022/2023: ◆ define a binding trajectory for reducing CO 2 emissions within the scope of Aéroports de Paris investment projects that is compatible with the National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC); ◆ develop a tool to assign a life-cycle emissions cap to each investment project carried by Aéroports de Paris so that project managers and design teams can work with a set carbon envelope and are focused on seeking innovative decarbonization solutions; ◆ to be able to compare the emission caps of this trajectory with the sum of project emissions (as calculated by the tool for each project), so as to ensure compliance with the trajectory. ◆ a landscape eco-design approach; ◆ general environmental objectives; ◆ a set of requirements and recommendations. materials into projects. MAIN ACTIONS IN 2022
de-france/un-partenariat-pour-la-connaissance-naturaliste-entre l-aeroport-paris-orly-et-la-lpo). It involves the implementation of an exchange of knowledge, data about nature on the airport right-of-way and around the airport, as well as airport consulting. Well aware that airports are naturally protected areas, they can constitute biodiversity reserves. It is on these bases that this three-year partnership was implemented and will allow the LPO IDF to have data about nature recorded within the airport site and at Paris-Orly airport to better understand the dynamics and movements of species on the site and its surroundings. Paris-Orly Airport may also call on the LPO-IDF for specific studies and/or consulting outside the scope of data exchange. ◆ Following initial discussions in 2022 on available data on biodiversity between Paris-Orly management, the sustainable development department, the engineering department, the City of Orly and the French Biodiversity Office (OFB), Groupe ADP aims in 2023 to sign a partnership with the city of Orly to support this local authority on the definition of its Municipal Biodiversity Atlas (ABC). INDICATOR ◆ Total number of associative and/or scientific partnerships on the theme of biodiversity: In order to address the theme of biodiversity, Groupe ADP aims to work with the scientific community and associations. Theme 4: Reduce the environmental footprint of airport activity improvement and development projects Commitment 4.1: Implement a low-carbon construction and circular economy policy; build as little as possible, and in a modular and fexible way; implement environmental governance for investment projects, with a carbon and biodiversity budget. POLICY/OBJECTIVES Groupe ADP sets itself strict standards to limit primary energy consumption. In addition to the Group’s commitment through the ISO 50 001 standard already described above, ADP is committed in France to the Ministry in charge of ecology to define the conditions for voluntary application of RE2020 to terminals although they are not required to implement it by law. In addition, in France and abroad, Groupe ADP is pursuing an ambitious policy of labelling its buildings and is developing a sustainable development and construction policy with a view to obtaining high environmental quality certifications throughout the world (French HQE® and British BREEAM). It has adopted the UN’s SDG 11 on sustainable cities and communities. Development projects follow a framework that incorporates the themes of comfort, energy, biodiversity, choice of materials and performance of the buildings. Further extending its ambitions, the Group’s new environmental policy no longer limits the objective of certifying the integrity of its new buildings with an environmental label to the real estate
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