2022 Universal Registration Document

Soc i al , env i ronmental and soc i etal respons i b i l i ty i nformat i on Lead the environmental transition of the airport and support that of air transport

Commitment 3.3: Be a privileged partner of the regions and scientifc and non-proft organisations in terms of biodiversity conservation and awareness POLICY/OBJECTIVES AND MAIN ACTIONS FOR 2022 Groupe ADP’s commitment to the act4nature initiative, led by the association Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE), supports these objectives and set priorities for the responsiblemanagement of green spaces, improving understanding of the biodiversity at our sites and increasing awareness and participatory observation. On the strength of this commitment and its commitment to the ten principles of the act4nature initiative, the Group responded in December 2019 to the appeal from the French Ministry of the Environment and the French Agency for Biodiversity as part of the “Entreprises Engagées pour la Nature (EEN) – Act4nature France” scheme, which seeks to deliver on the National Biodiversity Strategy. An action plan will be drafted for the Group’s French activities for the post-2020 period, and will be submitted for evaluation by EEN members within two years. Groupe ADP will thus be required to carry out an assessment of the progress of its objectives in 2023. Actions included in Act For Nature (https:// www.act4nature.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/GROUPE ADP-VF.pdf) have also been included in the new CSR policy 2025 Pioneers For Trust. Groupe ADP has also renewed and strengthened its biodiversity commitments in the act4nature international initiative. The commitments made concern all Group airports that are signatories to the Airports for Trust charter. They differ from previous commitments by extending them to the entire life cycle of our operations, and to our entire value chain. The regular observation sessions carried out in partnership with Aérobiodiversité resumed their normal pace in 2021 and continued and strengthened with the introduction of night observation sessions with adapted protocols. Exchanges of information and best practices are maintained with local authorities, in particular through a partnership agreement with the Seine-et-Marne departmental council. In 2022, Groupe ADP conducted a study to establish its dependencies and impact on biodiversity. The results of this study were reported to its Executive Committee and its Stakeholders Committee in December 2022 in order to receive its impressions and its opinions and advice to deepen its approach in favour of biodiversity. These discussions made it possible to identify areas of work for 2023 and the following years, in particular, to deepen the knowledge of its impacts throughout the Group’s value chain (in particular by carrying out an LCA study of its activities) and strengthening its leadership in this field within global airports by working with university and scientific research players. Some results, conclusions and actions resulting from this study are presented in the Chapter: “Vigilance plan”. Also in 2022, Groupe ADP established a partnership agreement with the city of Wissous to offer skills-based sponsorship to Paris-Orly employees (up to five days per year through the ADP Foundation) with the aim of working on fauna and flora inventories, the city’s ecological management plan, andWissous’s biodiversity strategy. In 2022, a partnership was created between Paris-Orly airport and the Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux . (https://www.lpo.fr/ lpo-locales/lpo-ile-de-france/actu-ile-de-france/actu-2022-ile

Aéroports de Paris performs actions to monitor air quality. Accredited by COFRAC, the French Accreditation Committee, its laboratory operates four air quality measuring stations at the Paris-Orly and Paris-Charles de Gaulle airports. It keeps an inventory of the emissions from aircraft, thermal power plants and road transport generated by airport activities. It conducts studies of the indoor air quality in terminals, car parks and technical buildings. It continuously measures levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) and nitric oxide (NO), particle levels (PM 10 and PM 2.5) and ultra-fine particles. The reports are available online at https:// entrevoisins.groupeadp.fr/donnees/mesure-de-la-qualite-de-lair/ bilans/. This strong and concrete involvement of ADP in the measurement and reduction of atmospheric pollution must necessarily be deployed internationally. Thus, in 2022, Groupe ADP identified as a commitment in its new environmental policy the deployment of medium-term strategies and means of control at all airports that have signed the Airport For Trust charter. In 2022, Groupe ADP installed and inaugurated an air quality measurement station on the Paris-Le Bourget platform. Data on air quality at Le Bourget are included in the annual reports. In 2019, Aéroports de Paris and Airparif renewed their partnership agreement to continue discussions, notably on calculation and measurement methodologies. Under this agreement, Airparif is expected to carry out a general interest study on ultrafine particles in the vicinity of Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport. The study could not be carried out in 2020 or in 2021 due to the drop in traffic linked to the health crisis. This study was postponed to 2022. A campaign to measure ultra-fine particles by Airparif began at Paris-Charles de Gaulle in the third quarter of 2022. Internationally, AIG also has an air quality measurement station around the airport (continuous measurements 24/7). The pollutants and physical elements monitored are: CO, NOx, PM2.5, PM10, O3, weather and wind direction. The results of the monitoring are summarized in reports sent to the authorities (government and the Jordanian environmental committee). Measurements of the quality of atmospheric emissions at the source (stacks of energy production plants) are also carried out. It should be noted that the geographical location of the airport (desert environment) poses a real challenge for dust (PM10) on and around the airport. The soundproofing and noise reduction programs are detailed in the Chapter: “Actively contributing to the reduction of noise exposure” in the Section: “Acting for the attractiveness of our regions, for the benefit of all – residents, employees and the communities of our airports”. Regarding non-consolidated airports, it should be noted that some also have air quality and noise measurement stations (such as the Zagreb or Liège airports for example) allowing continuous measurement and regular transmission to the local regulatory authorities in this area. INDICATORS ◆ Annual publicmonitoring of air quality (emissionmeasurements and/or inventory) in place; ◆ Annual public monitoring of noise on and around the existing platform.




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