2022 Universal Registration Document
Soc i al , env i ronmental and soc i etal respons i b i l i ty i nformat i on 4 Lead the environmental transition of the airport and support that of air transport
INDICATORS Buckingham Convention on the fight against the trafficking of protected species signed: the signing of this agreement certifies the efforts made to combat species trafficking. Theme 3: Promote the integration of each airport into a system of local resources Theme 3.1: Develop an industrial and regional ecology strategy for construction materials and energy. POLICY/OBJECTIVES AND MAIN ACTIONS FOR 2022 Groupe ADP wants to reduce its dependence on natural resources and limit its impact on them. In order to define a coherent trajectory on these issues bringing together various issues (use of hydrocarbons for uses other than energy, geomaterials, precious metals, water, fibrous materials such as wood, hemp, etc.), Groupe ADP launched a study in 2022 to identify and provide an initial quantification of its dependencies and impacts on these various resources. The results of this study, initially carried out in the Paris region, will be available in the second half of 2023. However, the Group is not waiting for the results of this study to launch concrete initiatives, particularly in favour of its commitment to a circular economy. Although these actions are currently focused on France, the Group aims to take these issues internationally with a first phase of reflection with our platforms from 2023. Historically, Groupe ADP has benefited in France from part of the waste heat from the RIVED incinerator, located in Rungis, via the heating network operated by Semmaris. This thermal integration between Rungis and Paris-Orly is a strong indicator of industrial and regional ecology. In the same vein, Paris Le Bourget airport has recorded its connection to the future geothermal heating network run by the Paris Terre d’Envol Public Territorial Establishment in the municipalities of Dugny and Le Bourget. Neither of the two players would have been able to develop this project alone, since it had not reached the critical size required to meet ADEME’s requirements. It is the addition of the decarbonized heat needs of the municipalities and the users of the Paris-Le Bourget platform that allows the project to be carried out. With regard to materials, Aéroports de Paris SA signed the Metropolitan Charter for Circular Construction of the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area. Construction is an essential economic sector, located at the heart of the challenges of attractiveness, regional rebalancing and resilience of the Parisian metropolis. The sector is heavily used to meet the renovation and rehabilitation needs of neighbourhoods, buildings, infrastructure, brownfield sites and urban services. Construction accounts for nearly 40% of the materials consumed and 75% of the waste generated on a metropolitan scale. In this context, the Metropolitan Charter for Circular Construction aims to amplify, accelerate and massify best practices whose scaling up in a structured market is now essential to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges of our city. Groupe ADP through its Parisian platforms, and through this commitment, wishes to participate in this momentum. As a major project manager in the Île-de-France region, it therefore intends to “take its place” and participate in the exchange of best practices and actively prepare for this “materials revolution” in its design, construction and deconstruction practices.
In addition, the real estate department of Aéroports de Paris SA has drafted and implemented a new construction policy for its business park projects. Described in a “signature charter”, it contributes to the economic development of the regions. This charter also makes it possible to develop parks according to demanding environmental standards, with the dual objective of a density of built spaces, and the preservation of very large surfaces for green spaces. This approach will ultimately limit soil sealing (see Chapter: “Commitment 4.3: Improve the ecological value of our sites, ensure ecological continuity and aim for net zero waterproofing”) and will mitigate the impact of these parks on biodiversity, improve the well-being of employees and contribute to the reduction of urban heat islands. Other initiatives are planned for 2023 to amplify this new momentum launched in 2022, such as: ◆ the launch of reuse experiments within projects; ◆ the exchange for a possible connection of the Matériauthèque (materials library) of Aéroports de Paris with local materials libraries. INDICATORS ◆ Number of industrial and regional ecology projects with energy exchange with one or more third parties implemented (purchase or sale); ◆ Number of industrial and regional ecology projects with joint initiatives on an implemented construction site. Commitment 3.2: Measure and monitor air quality and noise exposure to protect the health of local residents. POLICY/OBJECTIVES AND MAIN ACTIONS FOR 2022 Groupe ADP has implemented an ambitious policy to reduce the emissions of atmospheric pollutants linked to its activities and facilities, and its energy production units in particular. Today, the actions are mainly in France. At the level of the international platforms, the Group is currently in a phase of mapping its platforms, applying a system to monitor air quality and noise exposure. In 2023, of the signatories of the Airport 4 Trust Charter, seventeen airports applied air quality monitoring and fourteen noise exposure monitoring. This policy is based on three main areas of work: monitoring, communication and reduction of emissions. To these objectives, driven by the environmental and energy policy, can be added the commitment made by Aéroports de Paris during the National Conference on Air Transport ( Assises nationales du transport aérien ) in 2018, to strengthen its partnership with Airparif, in particular to exchange monitoring data, and via its collaboration in the next measurement campaigns. Aéroports de Paris also took part in the drafting of the 2018-2025 atmosphere protection plan (AAP) for the Paris urban area which defines measures to improve air quality in the Paris region. In 2022, Aéroports de Paris worked with the DGAC to update this Atmosphere Protection Plan, incorporating the new elements that have appeared since 2018 (example: the penetration of sustainable aeronautical fuels and the acceleration of airside electrification).
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