2022 Universal Registration Document
Soc i al , env i ronmental and soc i etal respons i b i l i ty i nformat i on Lead the environmental transition of the airport and support that of air transport
In addition, ADP remains attentive to technological developments in the construction market, both in the field of materials and in the field of reducing the pollution and environmental impacts of its construction sites. In 2023, the reflection will be carried internationally to include non-Parisian platforms in this approach. MAIN ACTIONS IN 2022 In 2022, Aéroports de Paris SA launched the update of its tool to apply and control environmental protection measures on its construction sites. This specific site charter will ultimately be incorporated into the written documents of the construction/ development contracts. It will include, among other things: ◆ environmental requirements for on-site facilities in terms of reuse and recycling (bungalows, sanitary facilities, fences and site partitions) and on energy savings by requiring compliance with RE2020 labels; ◆ the desire to move towards the energy autonomy of the remote sites by the deployment of photovoltaic and thermal panels for the production of domestic hot water; ◆ the use of fuel cell electricity production units to replace generators and the use of electric construction equipment; ◆ environmental aspects in the rating of the technical tender documents; ◆ the implementation of permanent noise measurements over the duration of the construction sites for feedback and control of the companies’ commitments; ◆ the production and monitoring by the companies in charge of each project, of documents such as an environmental insurance plan, a schedule of nuisances (noise, dust, etc.), an environmental analysis of the site’s impact, polluting event notifications in the event of an incident, site energy and water consumption readings and a site carbon assessment for each stage of the project (offer, construction studies, works and acceptance). The timetable for implementing this charter is in line with the 2025 Pioneers objectives: ◆ in addition, Aéroports de Paris SA conducts various experiments to limit pollution and pollution related to its construction sites: ◆ low-carbon concrete (see Chapter: “Commitment 4.1: Implement a low-carbon construction and circular economy policy; build as little as possible, and in a modular and flexible way; implement environmental governance for investment projects, with a carbon and biodiversity budget”), ◆ a project to renovate a rainwater basin was carried out using electrical equipment (small dumper and mini-mechanical excavator). The portable equipment was recharged using the usual network. The construction machinery required the use of a generator powered by a fuel cell running on liquid hydrogen supplied by heavy goods vehicles. The carbon footprint of this project has saved 700 kilos of ◆ preparation of the document: during 2023; ◆ application and feedback: during 2024; ◆ implementation: early 2025;
The tool will therefore make it possible to build a CO 2 emissions reduction trajectory compatible with the SNBC AMS scenario, which can be adapted according to successive revisions of the SNBC and changes in the structuring assumptions of the AMS scenario. In addition, concrete achievements were achieved in 2022: ADP, through its engineering department (ECP), tested low-carbon concrete with calcined clays (up to 20%) on the composite floor and the concrete infill of the posts of the F footbridge at Paris Orly, a project linked to the commissioning in 2024 of the Grand Paris Express line 14 metro station. CO 2 emissions from concrete are reduced by 30%. Feedback shows a slight additional cost, which will disappear in subsequent projects as the processes are mastered. It should be noted that other processes are being tested in order to better understand the technological developments in this area (for example, certain segments of the tunnel on line 14 arriving at Paris-Orly are made of low-carbon concrete). Other ongoing projects using calcined clays: ◆ the composite floor of the footbridge of satellites 1-7 of Terminal 1 at Paris-Charles de Gaulle, a project completed using 11% clays; ◆ the concrete framework of the Paris-Charles de Gaulle geothermal power plant, for which studies are underway. The use of an internal carbon price in the validation process of projects in the design phase tends to promote energy sobriety in the operating phase and therefore a reduction of CO 2 emissions. In September 2019, the internal carbon price (“shadow price”) was reassessed from €20 to €60 per tonne. It will be increased to €100 per tonne of CO 2 from January 2023. INDICATORS ◆ Percentage of infrastructure projects > €5 million launched during the year for which an LCA was carried out: the advantage of this indicator is to give visibility on the importance of integrating life cycle analyses into major Group projects. Commitment 4.2: Limit the environmental impact of development projects and construction sites (noise impact, waste, air quality, CO 2 , etc.) POLICY/OBJECTIVES Aéroports de Paris designs, operates and develops the majority of civil airport facilities in the Île-de-France region. The company both owns the airport rights-of-way and facilities, and manages the airport activity. In this sense, it acts as a developer of the territory that it owns in close collaboration with local authorities, territories and stakeholders. It builds and renovates a portfolio dedicated to its main activities: airport operations, real estate, retail and energy suppliers. Very early on, ADP became aware of the impact of the many projects it was undertaking. Thus, for many years, Aéroports de Paris has adopted a set of environmental requirements integrated into all these construction contracts. However, under the impetus of its new environmental policy, this clean construction site charter needed to be revised in order to incorporate many of the Group’s new requirements and ambitions.
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