2022 Universal Registration Document

Soc i al , env i ronmental and soc i etal respons i b i l i ty i nformat i on Lead the environmental transition of the airport and support that of air transport

Commitment 1.2: Strengthen intermodality, reduce the use of cars, and strengthen connectivity with the regions. Mobility is an important factor in social cohesion and the attractiveness of regions. Groupe ADP, aware of the importance of making improvements to strengthen intermodality, takes into account the challenges of complementarity between modes of transport in the regions. Thus, the essential articulation of these different modes of transport to get to the platforms is aligned with the Group’s desire to move towards operations with zero impact on the environment. POLICY/OBJECTIVES Groupe ADP’s new environmental and energy policy is based on the desire to build the foundation of a new airport model focused on sustainability and performance, in line with societal and environmental expectations. The Group now wants to make its airports multimodal and energy-efficient hubs, designed and operated in a sustainable manner: ◆ which will no longer be just a place to fly, but a place where one benefits from renewed connectivity, offering travellers a choice between different modes of travel (long and short-distance rail, bus, soft mobility, etc.), and where rail-air connections will account for a growing share of the development of Groupe ADP’s hubs; ◆ which will see existing infrastructures densified and the capacities of stations and multimodal hubs extended, using new innovative and environmentally-friendly construction methods; ◆ which will be integrated into a global urban planning process, by integrating into the heart of the territories on issues of real estate, energy, and mobility.

INDICATORS The new environmental policy monitors the following indicators annually: ◆ total energy consumption: this is the total on-site energy consumption, including purchases and on-site energy production for all platform players (internal and third parties); ◆ energy production from renewable sources: here we consider renewable energy sources produced on site; ◆ energy intensity: this indicator determines how many units of revenue can be obtained from 1 MWh of final energy; ◆ percentage of renewable energy consumed: this indicator includes both energy produced on site, as well as energy purchased, whether directly considered renewable or via market mechanisms (Guarantees of Origin, Power Purchase Agreements); ◆ total CO 2 emissions (scopes 1 & 2-MB): the Group’s Scope 1 emissions include stationary and mobile sources. Scope 2 Market Based emissions depend on the electricity purchase agreements; ◆ reduction of CO 2 emissions in absolute (scopes 1 & 2-MB) in 2025 vs 2010: this indicator shows the absolute evolution of CO 2 emissions at group level during this time interval.


OURPROMISE O ering each passenger the opportunity to choose the mode of transport with the least environmental impact, regardless of their destination: active modes, bus, train, low-carbon plane, etc.

OURAPPROACH Create integrated multi-modal hubs, the new hearts of airport hubs

More densified andmore compact infrastructures

Concentration on the most contributing tra c mix for air transport

Managing tra c congestion

Better connectivity with the regions for the development of cross-benefits



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