2022 Universal Registration Document
Soc i al , env i ronmental and soc i etal respons i b i l i ty i nformat i on 4 Lead the environmental transition of the airport and support that of air transport
National allocation plan for greenhouse gas emission allowances, annual allowances are allocated to Aéroports de Paris and its CO 2 emissions are carefully monitored. Thanks to the improvement in its energy efficiency and the investments made in low carbon thermal production equipment (biomass, geothermal, photovoltaic), the balance of quotas of the plants operated by Aéroports de Paris is positive, and Aéroports de Paris does not buy on the markets. In accordance with Article L. 229-25 of the French Environmental Code, Aéroports de Paris SA regularly reports on its greenhouse gas emissions. CO 2 emissions data of its power plants are audited annually by a third party as part of the PNAQ. At the end of September 2022, Urbasolar commissioned the Caveirac photovoltaic solar park (Gard), the first of the three parks contracted by Aéroports de Paris SA with Urbasolar in early 2020. Aéroports de Paris SA has undertaken to purchase the entire production of this fleet (“as produced”), for which it is an exclusive customer and which was built for its needs (additional fleet) for 21 years. In a full year, this fleet will produce nearly 7 GWh/year of low-carbon electricity. In its first three months of operation, it has already produced 1.126 GWh. Two other photovoltaic solar parks will be commissioned in 2023, in Bras (Var) and Villognon (Charentes). At the international level, the following initiatives can be noted: ◆ TAV is engaged in an extensive lighting conversion program for all its Turkish and international platforms. The objective is to achieve 100% conversion to LEDs by 2025 (except in Medina for which 90% is currently targeted); ◆ TAV is also strongly focused on converting its energy supply to solar energy. The table below shows the current and targeted consumption rates for 2025:
In 2022, energy-saving programs for existing buildings continued with, in particular: ◆ remote electricity meter readings to allow better monitoring of consumption and detect excesses; ◆ the replacement of traditional lighting systems with more energy-efficient LEDs; ◆ the replacement of old HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) equipment motors with high-performance motors; ◆ the installation of dual-flow air conditioning units; ◆ the investment in new energy-efficient wave concept baggage sorting technologies; ◆ the replacement of thermal and cooling energy production assets with high-performance technologies. This program is also accompanied by training and awareness raising measures for the Group’s teams. While training topics related to energy and the environment are numerous at Groupe ADP level, the real estate department’s initiative was particularly noteworthy in 2022 as it provided general training on energy to all teams (technical, commercial, support, finance, etc.) in order to raise awareness among staff about energy savings, portfolio improvement programs to increase energy efficiency and daily actions. To control its energy consumption, Aéroports de Paris SA also implemented, in 2022 and for the first year, the Eco-Energy Tertiary regulation (formerly “tertiary decree”) and made its first online declaration using the OPERAT tool made available by the State. The aim of this new regulation is to reduce the energy consumption of the tertiary portfolio by 40% in 2030, 50% in 2040 and 60% in 2050. It requires action plans, defined for each building and developed jointly by the owner and the tenant. Specific actions have therefore been implemented to mobilize the tenants of the more than 200 administrative, commercial, technical and airport buildings of Aéroports de Paris SA. In order to improve the energy efficiency of its buildings, Groupe ADP has launched 10 energy audits (which will be followed by a hundred in 2023) to determine the work necessary to achieve the objectives set by the Eco-Energy Tertiary regulation. It should also be noted that 2022 marks the first full year of implementation of the renewed Energy Performance Contract of the real estate department with its partner ENGIE. This system makes it possible to set up a win-win contract between the owner of a real estate portfolio and its manager by attracting the manager to the energy and financial savings that it generates through its good management of the energy assets made available to it. Without loss of comfort for tenants, this contract has enabled the real estate department to control its energy expenditure in a context of very strong pressure and uncertainties on prices (and therefore rental expenses) and to continue to optimize its energy efficiency. Aéroports de Paris SA operates energy production units with an installed capacity in excess of 20 MW and is therefore subject to Directive 2003/87/EC of 13 October 2003 on greenhouse gas emissions allowances for the Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly Airports. The installed capacity at Paris-Le Bourget was reduced to below the 20 MW threshold in 2020. Under the
TAV Solar Power
Milas Bodrum Antalya Tbilisi Enfidha Monastir Medina
1% 15%
5% 0,40%
25% 50% 10% 5% 20% 10% 35%
◆ Zagreb airport is also pursuing a works policy to reduce its energy consumption. This year the airport carried out a project to reduce heating energy losses by replacing old underground pipes used to supply the airport’s administrative buildings. A renovation plan to use LED technology was also carried out on the same building; ◆ In Madagascar, actions to develop renewable energies have already been put in place, in particular the use of solar energy for the lighting of the vehicle parking lot at Nosy Be Airport (since the end of 2017) and the parking lot of the new terminal at Ivato airport (since early 2019); ◆ In Santiago de Chile, all terminal lighting has been replaced by LEDs. The platform has also committed to consuming green electricity for its on-site needs. In addition, Santiago has made a strong commitment to solar energy since a facility that can produce 1,260 MWh per year has been installed, thus saving around 500 t of CO 2 per year.
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