Universal Registration Document 2022


Reporting: Comex analysis report Each month, except for the end of the closing periods in January and July, the Finance, Management & Strategy Division produces an operating report for the Executive Committee. It incorporates the rolling forecast and its commentary is on the analysis reports drawn up by the entities. FINANCIAL COMMUNICATION As the issuer of regulated information, the Finance, Management and Strategy Department manages the preparation, with the support of the other departments, of financial information distributed to the financial markets, analysts and investors. Alongside the Legal Affairs and Insurance Division, it is responsible for authorising any type of memo or press release containing “sensitive information”, that is, any information of a financial or legal nature, or with financial or legal implications, and/or information likely to influence Aéroports de Paris SA share price. The departments concerned help the Finance Management and Strategy Department, through their contributions and reviews, to control the risks of material error or the dissemination of erroneous information. A procedure concerning financial communication of Groupe ADP has been designed to guarantee the accuracy of information of a financial nature and to ensure that the Group meets all its associated requirements. An annual calendar of the Group’s main periodical commitments in terms of accounting, financial and shareholder memos, was created by Groupe ADP believes that it has had reasonable insurance cover to date, the excess level of which is consistent with the rate of frequency of losses observed and the general risk prevention policy. Civil liability Civil liability for airport operators is guaranteed by a policy that covers the financial consequences of any contractual and criminal civil liability that may be ascribed to Aéroports de Paris, and in certain circumstances, to its subsidiaries, its subcontractors and/ or its co-contractors in the event of any physical injury, material and consequential loss caused to third parties whilst carrying out their business activities. From 1 April 2022, the principal guarantee amount is €1,750 million per event and/or per year, according to the guarantees. This policy also includes a $150 million guarantee to cover the consequences of the risk of war and other perils. This guarantee in the amount of $150 million is supplemented by a specific policy taken out by Aéroports de Paris for the sum of $1,350 million. Other “Civil Liability” insurance has been taken out by the Company, including a policy covering the liability of corporate officers, a policy covering liability in the case of accidental or gradual harm to the environment (also covering ground decontamination costs) and insurance covering the consequences

the Legal Affairs and Insurance Division and shared internally. In addition, an annual schedule of periodic regulated financial publications is established by the Finance, Management and Strategy Division, and published to the AMF French Authority and available on Groupe ADP’s website. Groupe ADP disseminates its regulated information via a system approved by the AMF French Authority. Its main financial communication channel is its website (www.groupeadp.fr), along with one or more social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, etc .) in accordance with the AMF recommendation as published in the guide on permanent information and management of protected information 1 . IT SYSTEM The IT Systems Division provides the relevant divisions of the Finance, Strategy and Administrative Division with: ◆ technical expertise on accounting and financial information systems (functional expertise being provided by so-called “business area” divisions) along with their administration and support; ◆ the implementation of IT projects in this area. Internal control mechanisms and initiatives are based on an IT system centred on SAP software packages for general accounting and analysis, SAP BFC for consolidation and reporting, and SAP BO for reporting performance indicators. of the Company’s civil liability in the carrying out of activities relating to the ground section (in particular activities linked to the operation of car parks and emergency medical services, etc .). Damage to property and construction risks Aéroports de Paris has taken out a damage policy that guarantees any real estate and movable property owned by the Company or of which it is in charge, against, in particular, fire, explosion, lightning, storm, electrical damage, natural disasters and acts of terrorism risks. The total value of the primary cover is fixed at €1.3 billion per claim. In addition to the abovementioned general policy, the Company has also taken out specific policies with a view to guaranteeing against the consequences of targeted loss that could affect certain property, such as the interconnection between the TGV and RER stations on the Paris-Charles de Gaulle platform. In addition, the Company has taken out several policies with a view to protecting itself against construction risks within its largest work sites. Some of the Group’s assets cannot, by their very nature, be covered by property damage insurance. These are, in particular, runways, aircraft movement areas, certain civil engineering structures and bridges. The latter are covered, but for a maximum annual amount of €50 million.


1 Guide on permanent information and management of protected information DOC-2016-08.



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