Universal Registration Document 2022
The Finance, Management and Strategy Division also monitors the group’s consolidated debt maturity schedule. PREPARATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND CONSOLIDATION Frameworks All accounting processes are the subject of specific procedures, follow-ups, rules of validation, authorisation and accounting defined and stated by the Corporate Accounts Division (particularly for sales, purchasing, management of non-current assets and cash flow, etc .). Account closures, consolidation and management reports The closure process of the separate and consolidated financial statements is based on a detailed calendar, which has been shared with all consolidated companies so as to ensure that deadlines are met and that the preparation of financial statements is coordinated. The consolidation of the Group’s accounts is carried out ten times a year. The Statutory Auditors carry out a limited review of the half-yearly accounts and an audit of the annual accounts. The statements for the months of May and October are reviewed within the framework of these missions. In addition, managers of the Group’s 1 entities, sign an engagement letter every month to confirm the correctness of the accounting information they communicate relating to their area of responsibility. BUDGET AND REPORTING Budget (OPEX/CAPEX) and rolling forecast (OPEX) Each year, the Finance, Management and Strategy Department prepares and sends, at the latest by early August, to all directors and financial managers in finance, management and strategy: ◆ a framework note containing the elements aimed at guiding the re-forecasting of investments for the current year and the CAPEX budget for the coming years (the duration of this period is based on the Company’s commitments: economic regulation agreement and/or strategic plan). It also presents the specific points of attention and particularities specific to the budget campaign in question; ◆ a financial framework note for Groupe ADP for the coming year, distinguishing between Aéroports de Paris SA and the subsidiaries (subsidiaries in the “International and Airport Development” segment, retail subsidiaries, real estate subsidiaries and Hub One) for income and operating expenses. The rolling forecast (review of forecasts) is applied to Groupe ADP’s income statement, with each of the consolidated entities reporting its latest forecasts to the Finance, Management & Strategy Division on a monthly basis. By allowing a monthly update of the exit point forecast at 31 December according to the latest available information, the rolling forecast strengthens the reliability of the financial forecasts and improves the Group’s financial management. Investments by Aéroports de Paris SA are subject to two annual reviews.
since Aéroports de Paris took control of TAV Airports and Airport International Group (AIG), as well as the stake in GMR Airports. Strategy and investment approval process The Group’s steering mechanisms are based on institutional and managerial committee arrangements within Aéroports de Paris. As extensions of the Board of Directors of Aéroports de Paris, the Strategy and Investment Committee and Audit and Risk Committee make recommendations to it on, respectively: ◆ the definition and implementation of the strategic policies of Groupe ADP, including its diversification or growth operations; ◆ the efficiency of the risk management, internal control and internal audit as well as on the appropriateness of the Group’s financial policy. Their mandates are specified in the rules of procedure of Aéroports de Paris’ Board of Directors. The group’s decision process in terms of investments is based on two internal committees within Aéroports de Paris, relating to the group’s investments, chaired by the Chairman and CEO: ◆ the Strategic Investments Committee (CSI) examines and approves the different investment strategies by business sector. Following a defined annual program, it evaluates the main medium- and long-term sectoral policies by regularly reviewing needs, risks and opportunities. It carries out a regular review of priorities and validates the multi-annual investment program for each segment. Such an exercise ensures that each activity’s strategic directions are coordinated with the associated schemes and plans and the multi-annual investment program; ◆ the Group Investment Committee, which validates the tangible, intangible and financial investment and divestment projects above certain thresholds or according to certain criteria (the golden rules), completed by Aéroports de Paris and the subsidiaries that it controls. Within these same entities, local investment committees validate those investments that do not come under the scope of the Group Investment Committee. Likewise, according to the thresholds in force, each investment project is examined by the Board of Directors of the subsidiary concerned before examination by the Board of Directors of Aéroports de Paris. These arrangements are implemented while fulfilling obligations to consult staff representative bodies. The cash position The Group’s cash position is centralised within the limits permitted by regulations ( i.e. excluding joint ventures and international subsidiaries). For entities that cannot be centralised, they also retain cash management, while for centralised subsidiaries, investments are handled by the Finance, Management and Strategy Division. In addition, the Finance, Management and Strategy Division monitors the consolidated cash flow forecast for the entire group, which is regularly presented to the governance bodies.
1 These are the divisions of Aéroports de Paris SA and the companies consolidated by the Group.
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