du pied, du sol, lemarcheur expulse les douleurs liées à l’immobilité » , note Jacques-Alain Lachant. La marche allège « les compressions énormes sur les muscles fessiers et les hanches ainsi que les pathologies et désordres posturaux (dos tassé, tête basse, yeux vrillés) induits depuis trente ans par la position assise prolongée et la fréquence d’usage des outils numériques » . La marche redeviendrait donc un remède.D’où l’importancede trouver chaussure à son pied ! D’ailleurs, le musée des Arts décoratifs de Paris s’y emploie dès le 7 novembre pro- chain avec l’exposition Biendans ses pompes , où sontmises en scène nos différentesmanières demarcher. ◆
Heal) (6) , walking is “the ultimate antidepressant,” an opinion con- firmed by a study in Scotland (7) published in the journal Mental Health and Physical Activity . Ann and Roma Robertson at Stirling University analysed various clinical trials concluding that five walks a week of at least 30 minutes calms symptoms like negative emotions and thoughts and mental rumination. Walking is good for your mind and even helps with ideas, according to Marily Oppezzo, a research sci- entist in behavioural and educa- tional sciences at Stanford Uni- versity who conducted a series of tests with 176 students, half of them sitting and the other half walking (8) , who found that move- ment promoted creativity and the imagination. Walking is highly recommended for those with sedentary lifestyles. “When the body receives sensa- tions from the feet, from the
ground, the walker alleviates aches resulting from immobility,” notes Lachant. Walking also mitigates “the enormous compressions on the buttock muscles and hips as well as pathologies and postural disorders (hunched backs, low- ered heads, eye strain) due to prolonged sitting and the wide- spread use of digital tools these last 30 years.” Walking is like a cure – as long as we have the right shoes. It’s the subject of a new show at the Musée des Arts Dé- coratifs opening November 7, 2019, titled Bien Dans Ses Pompes (Feeling Good in Your Shoes), which will explore the different
ways we walk. ◆ (1) Métailié, 2000, 160 pages (2) Perrin, 2016, 380 pages (3) Flammarion, 2011, 320 pages (4) Gallimard, 2019, 176 pages (5) Actes Sud, 2002, 400 pages (6) Payot, 2015, 303 pages
(1) Métailié, 2000, 160 pages (2) Perrin, 2016, 380 pages (3) Flammarion, 2011, 320 pages (4) Gallimard, 2019, 176 pages (5) Actes Sud, 2002, 400 pages (6) Payot, 2015, 303 pages
(7) (8) more_creative_go_for_a_walk
(7) (8) more_creative_go_for_a_walk
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