désigne Clélie Deroux, dessine une nouvelle trame, de nouveaux paysages en ville. En pleine nature aussi, la marche est inventive. Antoine de Baecque, ancien journaliste de Libération , nous le rappelle au détour de son Histoire de la marche  (2) , relatant l’essor de la randonnée pédestre : « Randonner, ce n’est plus seule- ment mettre un corps en marche. C’est redonner vie au sentier en protégeant une région de la ▲

pedestrian plans. The idea is not only to push the nuisances of vehicules to the periphery, but to also create peaceful urban spac- es governed by proximity. THE RECONQUEST OF SPACE The United States and Canada, stragglers in this domain, are now stepping up their efforts. The New Urbanism movement – for example, in the Bois-Francs neighbourhood in Saint-Laurent,

near Montreal – centres its ac- tivities on a local scale as opposed to the usual sprawl. In this mod- el, walking is paramount, pro- vided it is coupled with public transport and car and bicycle sharing. Clélie Deroux believes the “augmented pedestrian,” in her coinage, is defining new ur- ban landscapes. In his book Histoire de la Marche ( 2) historian Antoine de Baecque emphasises the creative as-



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