ADP CSR Report 2020
We share this requirement of exemplarity with our partners, suppliers and subcontractors.
We intend to share this requirement of exemplarity with all of our partners,suppliers and subcontractors. For this, each of the Group’s activities in France and internationally complies with our commitments: Our commitments
In 2020, global air traffic fell to its lowest level since 1999, eradicating more than 20 years of continuous growth and affecting all airport
• the best standards of hospitality and service that
• the sharing and commitment of our various partners and suppliers in our environmental, social and societal requirements.
stakeholders, including our customers (airlines, freight companies, passengers), our subcontractors (security, safety, maintenance, transport companies), our partners (shops, bars & restaurants, services) and companies located close to the airports, etc. Collectively, we have endeavoured to maintain, even at the height of the lockdown, some of our freight and passenger reception activities in strict compliance altered our security, safety and hospitality requirements. It strengthens our desire to be exemplary in terms of ETHICS and Compliance and encourages us to be more agile and collaborative. with health measures. The crisis has in no way
meet the expectations of all our customers and partners, with an absolute requirement of security and safety;
• the implementation of the principles OF ethics and compliance, anti-corruption and risk management;
6 airports ranked in the Skytrax 1 World Top 100: Paris-Charles de Gaulle (20 th ), Delhi (50 th ), Hyderabad (71 st ), Paris-Orly (76 th ), Medina (84 th ) and Mauritius (92 nd )
92/100 our 2020
extra-financial rating by the EthiFinance agency, which has increased by 4 points compared to 2018. Our Procurement policy remains at the Excellence level.
(1) Skytrax: Consulting firm to measure customer experience in the air transport sector
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