ADP CSR Report 2020
Guaranteeing equal remuneration
In order to guarantee equal remuneration for women and men, we undertake to offer
(based on equivalent position and qualification) the same salary at hiring and then salary developments exclusively related to advancement and (for managers) to performance. For Aéroports de Paris SA, the difference between the theoretical fixed salary of women and men has almost been eliminated, going from 3.7% in 2015 to 2% since 2018. In the event of an unjustified pay gap, there is provision for a specific catching up procedure. Since March 2019, all companies with more than 50 employees have to calculate and publish their gender equality index. In 2020, the score of Aéroports de Paris SA was 89/100, as in 2018 and 2019.
20% women in technical sectors
With 17% women 1 on their board of directors, Turkish listed companies are in the global average 2 . In 2013, the Capital Markets Board of Turkey (CMB) asked companies to set a target date for achieving the 25% objective. TAV is one of the first companies to have exceeded this threshold as early as 2018 by appointing three women directors on its Board. Today we are among the top 10 companies of the Women Empowered Board Index of the BIST100. Buru Geris Chief Financial Officer and member of the Executive Committee of TAV Airports
27% women on the Executive Committee 37.9% women managers 36.8% in 2018 compared to 37.3% in 2019
Scope: Aéroports de Paris SA
(1) STUDY of the Corporate Governance Forum at Sabancı University (2) Worldwide, 16.9% of Board seats are held by women (Deloitte study).
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