ADP CSR Report 2020
Gender equality in the workplace
1 Towards equality at all levels Women must have the same conditions of access to employment, career development and remuneration as men: it is this conviction that underpins our proactive strategy, based on recruitment and career management processes and on raising management awareness. For the Aéroports de Paris SA scope, the percentage of women increased slightly in 2020 to 37.8% (vs. 37.6% in 2019 and 2018), representing major progress in management bodies: the share of women on the Executive Committee of Aéroports de Paris SA was 27% in 2020 (vs. 8% in 2019) while at TAV there were 14% women on the Executive Committee and 25% on the Board of Directors. We still need to make progress on the percentage of women in technical sectors and among high potentials. Concerning Aéroports de Paris SA, the agreement on gender equality signed for the period 2020‑2022 provides for the proportion of women on our Graduate Programmes increasing from 50% to 60% over the period.
33.3% women Scope: Groupe ADP
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