ADP CSR Report 2019


Appendix 1


Control and consolidation

HR indicators

Environmental indicators

Table of indicators


We publish our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) information every year. This document concerns Groupe ADP's activities from 1 January to 31 December 2019. It was prepared in compliance with the fourth generation of management and reporting guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). This international, multi-party initiative aims to develop globally applicable indicators that incorporate companies' economic, social and environmental performance. The guidelines offer organisations balanced and reasonable performance reporting principles.

For the environmental indicators , Groupe ADP has a reporting protocol that specifies the definition of the indicator, the scope and the calculation methodology. The frequency of the environmental indicators was previously based on a rolling year from October to September. In 2019, these indicators have been adjusted to a calendar year from January to December. For "air quality" and "emissions" indicators, the data was provided by the Aéroports de Paris laboratory, accredited by COFRAC and ISO 9001 certified, based on methodology guides including the instructions used. These are then sent to the sustainable development and public affairs division. established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for the calculation of LTO (Landing and Take- Off) cycle emissions with actual taxi times for Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly and an average taxi time for Paris-Le Bourget. For aircraft emissions, the calculation is based on the methodology

The report was drawn up in accordance with the core criteria defined by GRI G4. Where a theme or indicator has not been explored in the required amount of detail, please refer to the "Group" tab on our website ( ) or the universal registration document. This applies in particular to financial information, governance and risks.

The sustainable development and public affairs division of Groupe ADP consolidates the sustainable development indicators using data provided by the relevant departments. Given the collection methods and the operating systems used by each of our airports, the scope of reporting may vary for certain indicators.

For indicators on the number of people employed at our airports, the headcount was based on a study conducted in 2017 by the Utopies consultancy. HR indicators are subject to a reporting protocol that defines the relevant scope and methods. The workforce scope covers Aéroports de Paris SA, the Group's (controlled) companies and fully consolidated subsidiaries of which 50% or more is owned: ADP Ingénierie, ADP International including AIG, Hub One, TAV Airports, SDA, Relay@ ADP and Media Aéroports de Paris. Some indicators and data only cover part of the Group. The HR indicators are sent to the sustainable development and public affairs division.

The economic, social and environmental data, together with an explanation of the general items of information about the organisation,

are set out on pages 96 to 101. The materiality matrices, the

correlation table containing the GRI G4 summary and the declaration of extra-financial performance items are published in this document and on the Groupe ADP website.

For Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris‑Orly, the figures shown in the table of indicators concern commercial aircraft movements (passengers and cargo).

The transport data is collected via passenger surveys by the Passenger Observatory at departure and arrival.



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