ADP CSR Report 2019
Exemplary operations
Engaging our partners
Engage our suppliers
Exemplary operations involve taking into account the impacts of all our activities on people and the environment, including activities we do not perform ourselves. Suppliers are key participants at our airports. As a responsible instructing party, we must disseminate our best practices and help our suppliers to make progress on the CSR issues we are committed to.
social and environmental criteria are incorporated into 84% of our purchases, based on the nature and impact of the contracts concerned. In our calls for tender, these criteria account for between 5% and 10% of the score awarded to candidate companies, and as much as 15% in some contracts. The procurement risk map has been updated on the social and environmental aspects; a social integration clause is included in all contracts awarded as part of our major projects: as such, our fundamental projects benefited from 198,632 hours of social integration in 2019; we also work with the sheltered workshop sector: some contracts are reserved for establishments that employ people with a disability.
Our procurement policy is based on a number of measures to include our suppliers in a continuous improvement drive: the Supplier CSR Charter: all of our suppliers under contract must undertake to meet the commitments of this charter. Revised in 2018, it incorporates new legal obligations in terms of combating corruption and the duty of vigilance ; our "Ethics and Compliance" alert system (see section 4.2 "Acting ethically and responsibly") is open to staff members at all our suppliers, in accordance with the Due Diligence Act. To meet these new regulations, an inventory of our suppliers and corrective measures have been implemented with the help of expert divisions;
€736,000 OF PURCHASES FROM 9 SUPPLIERS in the sheltered workshop sector, 88% covered by multi-annual contracts (goal of 1 million in 2020)
We aim to involve all our stakeholders and suppliers, as well as partners and customers, in our goals on sustainable development, ethics and respecting human rights: this is achieved through our purchasing policy, as well as by raising awareness and sharing best practices.
SOCIAL INTEGRATION CLAUSES included for 5% of the workforce working on all our fundamental projects (goal of 5% in 2020)
84% OF CONTRACTS SIGNED (over 98% of expenditure) include a CSR rating criterion (goal of 80% in 2020)
SUPPLIER RELATIONS and sustainable procurement label since 2014, renewed in 2018 90% OF ENERGY-INTENSIVE CONTRACTS incorporate an energy performance criterion (goal of 100% in 2020)
Engaging our partners
leases include an environmental appendix setting out energy and environmental performance goals (landscape quality, air, noise and visual pollution, sustainable mobility, biodiversity, waste management). We lead green committees that aim to raise tenants' awareness of these issues and promote best practices. In 2019, we worked on biodiversity and waste management issues and organised various educational campaigns.
Sustainable development issues, including environmental issues, can only be addressed in a holistic manner. Tackling these challenges drives us to go beyond the strict framework of the commercial relationship to engage in real partnerships with stakeholders in the airport industry and develop practices collectively and individually.
SIGNATORY OF THE CHARTER on Supplier Relations and Sustainable Procurement since 2010
EXTRA-FINANCIAL RATING 90/100 (Excellence level) for considering CSR factors in the procurement process in 2018 (41/100 in 2017)
We make our tenants aware of the use of our buildings: all our
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