ADP CSR Report 2019
Taking action for the people at our airports
Ensuring safety and well-being at work for our staff
Ensure occupational health and safety Our actions to support the health and safety of our staff members cover a wide range of fields. For Aéroports de Paris SA, our multi- year occupational risk prevention programme is based on four core areas: 1. Pedestrian movement and road travel (51% of accidents at work); 2. Attacks and abuse affecting staff members in contact with the public; 3. Psychosocial risks; 4. Subcontractor accidents. Our prevention actions are integrated into all our business management processes : worksite safety, executive committee accident monitoring, specific measures for the Group's expatriates and assignees, sharing experiences in the prevention of psychosocial risks, etc. To strengthen the culture of prevention , a "Prevent means success" awareness campaign was launched in July 2019. This approach is also applied internationally. For example, data on occupational health and safety at TAV Airports is analysed during discussions with the health and safety officers at Aéroports de Paris. For Aéroports de Paris SA, this has resulted in very significant progress compared to 2018: 122 lost-time accidents versus 139 (-12%) and a frequency rate reduced to 12.88 35 versus 14.62 (best rate in the last four years). In the Aéroports de Paris, ADP International, ADP Ingénierie, Media and Relay scope, the 2019
Occupational health and safety is a legal obligation and the cornerstone of every company's social responsibility. However, employee well-being goes further: 75% of staff members who are "fulfilled personally and professionally" feel their company knows how to "give meaning to their work" and 78% feel that recognition motivates them 32 . They also want effective tools and a stimulating and fulfilling work environment.
Employee experience : we have set up numerous services that improve our staff members' daily life (home delivery of shopping, optimised vehicle management, etc.). Recognition of commitment : the remuneration policy aims to fairly and clearly reward and recognise each individual's commitment, group and individual performances and the development of career paths. The development of remote work : at staff members' request and after two years of trials, we signed a new agreement for Aéroports de Paris SA. 65% of staff members are eligible to work remotely: 1,451 of them worked remotely for an average of 2.8 days per month in 2019. Hub One also has a remote work agreement.
In addition to a health and safety policy, which places a priority on prevention and adapting work to our staff members, we are rolling out a genuine strategy on improving quality of life at work and mobilising all our staff members .
frequency rate is 11.17. Internationally, TAV also has good results with a frequency rate of 10.64 and 350 accidents. Improve quality of life at work We pay special attention to our staff members' working conditions and improve them by taking action in particular on: The quality of management : we develop our teams' managerial skills by supporting transformation projects. Focused on the fundamentals and techniques of management, the training courses include education in the company's social policy. 90 staff members of Aéroports de Paris SA took this training this year, bringing the total number of staff members concerned to 600 over the 2016-2019 period.
OHSAS 18001 33 CERTIFICATION for our Paris airports
9 th IN THE HAPPYINDEX/ATWORK 34 RANKING > 5,000 employees category Scope: ADP SA
6.5% ABSENTEEISM 4.8% ILLNESS 0.7% WORKPLACE AND TRAVEL ACCIDENTS Scope: ADP SA, ADP International, ADP Ingénierie, Media and Relay
(32 ) Source: (33) Occupational health and safety management (34) Full ranking:
(35) Or 12.88 accidents with more than one day's lost time per 1 million working hours
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