ADP CSR Report 2019
Running the airport city
We have been designing, developing and operating airports for over 50 years. We use the operational excellence we have acquired over the years to serve the customer experience and the reach of our host regions to create veritable "airport cities". As the coordinator of these airports , we have many business lines directly or indirectly related to the airport sphere. These business lines concern the airport value chain in five areas of expertise and activities: Airport operation and maintenance: we design, develop and maintain airport infrastructures, oversee energy and telecoms supply, manage waste, inform and welcome passengers, apply air transport security rules, etc.;
Retail and services: we meet the needs of companies and passengers through our joint ventures SDA (Société de Distribution Aéroportuaire), Relay@ADP, Media ADP and Epigo; Real estate: we act as the planner, designer, developer and manager of real estate on land that we own, for our own needs or those of companies that want to operate at our airports; International and airport development: we export our know- how by responding to contracts for the design, management and engineering of airports worldwide; Support functions: we provide all of the functions necessary to conduct these activities (finance and management control, legal, human resources, communication, IT, etc.).
• Aéroports de Paris SA , which owns and operates:
- Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Paris-Orly, Paris-Le Bourget and ten general aviation aerodromes in the Paris region; - over twenty airports worldwide, including via the TAV Airports Group, the airport operator AIG and GMR Airports (since March 2020).
• Main subsidiaries and holdings:
- Hub One (100%) , specialising in telecommunications and professional radiocommunications; - TAV Airport (49%) , Turkish airport operator; - GMR Airports (49%) , Indian airport group.
Trust Commitment Boldness
Openness to the world and our environment
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