2022 Universal Registration Document

Soc i al , env i ronmental and soc i etal respons i b i l i ty i nformat i on 4 Lead the environmental transition of the airport and support that of air transport

ambitious initiatives and objectives, the main objective of which is the commitment of net zero soil for scope 1 and 2 activities and the neutrality of scope 3 soil operations. in 2050 (details of commitments by geographical area as well as the scopes covered are presented in the previous chapters). Groupe ADP is also committed to reducing noise pollution (see the Chapter: “Actively contributing to reducing noise exposure”) and improving air quality. The selection of ground-handling assistants at Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly on the basis, among other things, of a criterion for the greening of their vehicles heavily weighted during the consultation as explained earlier. In addition, during air pollution episodes, the Aéroports de Paris peak pollution procedure is triggered to inform and implement emission limitation actions. In addition, all of the achievements mentioned in the climate chapters in priority 1 contribute to improving air quality. Lastly, reducing nuisances is one of our first commitments. For 50 years, we have been managing a noise exposure reduction plan. We measure the noise impact of air traffic and work with airlines and their service providers to minimize the noise footprint of their activities. To reduce noise pollution, Groupe ADP is committed to two objectives: ◆ supporting the generalization of continuous descent procedures between 2023 and 2025 at Paris-Charles de Gaulle and at Paris-Orly; ◆ Achieving a noise reduction of six decibels between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. at Paris-Orly in 2026 compared to 2018. Details of ADP’s commitments against noise are presented in the Chapter: “Actively contributing to the reduction of noise exposure”. INDICATORS ◆ Percentage of low-carbon light vehicles (airport operator’s fleet) (low-carbon = electric/bio-NGV/low-carbon hydrogen): this indicator makes it possible to monitor the change in the share of vehicles within the airport; ◆ Percentage of low-carbon ground handling vehicles and equipment; ◆ Percentage of low-carbon light vehicles (airport operator’s fleet). Commitment 2.3: Contribute to exemplary environmental work in the aviation sector (fght against the trafficking of protected species, waste reduction, etc.). The illegal wildlife trade is a profitable and prosperous business, now orchestrated by transnational criminal organizations. Today, it is considered the fourth most profitable illegal activity in the world. In terms of transport chains, mainland France appears to be an important transit and destination country and, to a lesser extent, a source country for certain species (European eels).

◆ the continuation of the project led by Liège Airport to set up an H2 station coupled with an H2 shuttle bus, connecting the centre of Liège to the airport, and operating at night in particular. Lastly, in terms of innovation, the hOListic Green Airport (OLGA) project 1 supports the environmental transition. As part of the European Union green deal, several innovation projects will be funded (Horizon 2020) to facilitate the transition to low-carbon mobility and a climate resilient society. The OLGA project (https://www.olga-project.eu/) actively contributes to this objective. By focusing on improving the environmental performance of airports in terms of aircraft operations, passengers and cargo, OLGA enables the development of innovative sustainability actions, and aims to disseminate these innovations throughout the EU. Led by Groupe ADP with Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport, the OLGA consortium brings together 57 partners and third parties, including four airports, manufacturers, airlines, research players and public entities. Launched in October 2021, with a total budget of €34 million, including a grant of €25 million over a period of 60 months from the European Commission, OLGA will seek to experiment then replicate projects in order to reduce the environmental impact of the air transport sector in a holistic manner: decarbonization of aviation activities on the ground, introduction of sustainable aviation fuels, decarbonization of accesses to platforms, improvement of the biodiversity index of airports, the energy performance of buildings, improvement of air quality modelling, waste reduction, etc. Since the official launch of the project, the OLGA consortium has shared and relayed through various events, its environmental ambitions and its first progresses, with the highlight being the presentation of the project on 6 December 2022 to the European Parliament. INDICATORS ◆ Number of airport operator charging points for electric vehicles and equipment (in reserved and public areas); ◆ Quantity of sustainable aeronautical fuel delivered on the platform + Reflection/project/work on the preparation of the reception of the hydrogen, electric or hybrid aircraft carried out during the year. Commitment 2.2: Contribute to the improvement of operations (ground handling, taxiing, fight phase of the LTO cycle), resulting in the decarbonization of aviation activities on the airport perimeter, the improvement of air quality, and the reduction of noise POLICY/OBJECTIVES AND MAIN ACTIONS FOR 2022 As already detailed in the previous chapters, Groupe ADP is committed throughout its global network to the decarbonization of its activities and those of its value chain. As already seen, the ground operations and LTO cycle have a large number of

1 The OLGA project was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 101036871.



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