2022 Universal Registration Document

Soc i al , env i ronmental and soc i etal respons i b i l i ty i nformat i on Lead the environmental transition of the airport and support that of air transport

International platforms: ◆ Queen Alia Airport (AIG) is ACA 4+. Carbon offsetting projects are currently under development. All or part of these projects will involve reforestation. AIG is therefore studying with the Jordanian government the possibility of recognizing the dual benefit of these actions: carbon offsetting but also improvement of local biodiversity. If this recognition takes place under technical and legal conditions favourable to biodiversity, AIG plans to roll out these projects more widely in the future; ◆ AIG wishes to develop a biodiversity and landscape strategy similar to what has been done on the Parisian platforms. This project should be studied within Groupe ADP starting in 2023. There is also a risk management strategy related to flora and fauna. With a species inventory, AIG is currently working with an NGO to monitor endangered species and species that are essential for flight operations (to ensure safety). Drinking water, rainwater and wastewater Work to improve the reliability of the internal water consumption metering of Aéroports de Paris is continuing in order to better control consumption and refine the items of excessive consumption. This policy also allows better control of invoicing to third parties and therefore optimization of rental expenses. To reduce its internal consumption of drinking water, Groupe ADP: ◆ recycles the water that comes out of its rainwater treatment and purification systems for different uses (such as powering the air-cooling towers at Paris-Orly or sanitary blocks, for instance); ◆ installs water-saving equipment, especially in the sanitary areas of its terminals; ◆ uses more reliable measuring equipment (remote meter reading) for monitoring and detailed analysis of consumption; This point is also shared with international ASSETs such as TAV and AIG for example; ◆ informs and trains staff on the use of water resources, products and equipment. Lastly, in line with its dedicated indicator, actions to reduce leaks (including the performance of a network efficiency study at Paris Le Bourget) are continuing. In the long term, they will make it possible to obtain an efficient network, i.e. limiting the loss of water transported through network leaks but distributing its water to the consumer, thus allowing a substantial saving in water. In 2022, Paris-Le Bourget also innovated in its water management by investing in the construction of a new fire station (SSLIA) equipped with a system for recycling water from fire training called a “water wall”. This project is supported by a grant from the Agence de l’Eau Seine-Normandie (AESN). It should be noted that for certain international assets, the first of which is AIG, water resource management is vital. Indeed, the Jordanian airport is supplied by groundwater. This resource is exhaustible and requires optimized management. In addition to the creation of additional wells, AIG is working in collaboration with Groupe ADP to develop a long-term strategy for water management at the airport (rainwater recycling, recovery of wastewater, etc.).

wildlife and flora inventories, on the ecological management plan of the city, and on the biodiversity strategy of Wissous; ◆ launch and execution of the partnership contract with the French League for the Protection of Birds (LPO); ◆ launch of the invasive species program based on a field survey of the places of occurrence of problematic species (in particular the Japanese knotweed plant). In particular, tests were carried out on the post-treatment of soil contaminated by invasive species; ◆ launch of internal work involving Orly airport and the Engineering and Architecture Department (ECP) on landscaping projects (redevelopment as construction) in order to improve the consistency of the various actions carried out. As for the Paris-Charles de Gaulle platform, the various actions carried out are as follows: ◆ development of night outings (starry nights and night raptor observation) in June from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. 3 listening points were set up and an observation point for insects (lit white linen); ◆ the MNHN is working on new sampling protocols at Paris Charles de Gaulle; in particular towards wetlands and basins. This will probably require airport agreements for safety reasons related to the risk of falls in the basin. A new sampling point has been added to the south of Paris-Charles de Gaulle for insects; ◆ discovery of two new species of flowers; ◆ change in the number of orchids on the platforms; ◆ discovery of nesting plovers with the Service de Prévention du Risque Animalier (SPRA). The area was secured and four chicks were born; ◆ development with the SPRA of posters to raise awareness of fauna and flora on the platforms (“ e.g. attention, nesting area”); ◆ organization of a citizen day in Claye-Souilly to raise awareness among children; in particular through an escape game developed by the Aérobiodiversité association. Paris-Le Bourget: ◆ participation of the biodiversity teams of Paris-Charles de Gaulle at the Meaux Air Show to talk about biodiversity at the airport; ◆ Aérobiodiversité visits carried out (3 visits in 2022: March, July and September for approximately 20 people) at Pontoise, Le Bourget and Toussus Le Noble. Plans have been made to include other airports in the Paris region in this program in 2023; ◆ setting up beehives by a beekeeper. Melliferous production; ◆ organization of Club des Partenaires in Issy-les-Moulineaux with environmental events on the platform (in particular by the Pikpik association, which acts for eco-citizenship and the urban environment); ◆ it should be noted that, for the first time and in preparation for its total transition to zero phyto, Paris-Le Bourget did not use phyto products in 2022.




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