2022 Universal Registration Document
Soc i al , env i ronmental and soc i etal respons i b i l i ty i nformat i on 4 Lead the environmental transition of the airport and support that of air transport
end of 2021: Ecojardin, awarded by the EcoJardin Plante & Cité labelling committee for the quality of the management of green spaces throughout the platform, and Aérobio level 3, awarded by Aérobiodiversité , a new label dedicated to airports to promote their commitment to the responsible management of fauna and flora. In addition, Paris-Charles de Gaulle has strengthened its zero-phyto trajectory by developing the “BiodiversIT” innovation project as part of the European OLGA 1 project, and by initiating an experiment with autonomous robot mowers, supported by the French Biodiversity Office as part of the “Aéroports Zéro-Phyto” project. In addition, in December 2022, Paris-Charles de Gaulle applied for the Aérobiodiversité label (application currently being examined). Groupe ADP, with its experience in the field of phytosanitary-free management, also participated in the drafting of a practical guide for French airport managers in order to “give the keys” to management without phytosanitary. Managed by the UAF ( Union des Aéroports Français ), this guide is in the process of being published. ◆ The Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly platforms hosted numerous events, visits and awareness-raising actions around biodiversity that punctuated the year 2022. For Paris-Orly, the main actions are: ◆ Aérobiodiversité visit: visits were carried out throughout 2022 for Orly employees; ◆ during a visit, Aérobiodiversité made an ornithologist and a botanist available to carry out inventories of flora and fauna; ◆ the year 2022 marked the launch of night visits; ◆ awareness-raising actions were carried out with many partners: schools and members of airport communities. Most of the time within the “Maison de l’Environnement” (a place for exhibitions and discussions financed by Groupe ADP on the themes of airports and local communities); ◆ the Paris-Orly platform contributed to the training of SNA (Air Navigation System) staff on biodiversity topics – in particular the animal risk; ◆ Paris-Orly took part in the citizen engagement day offered in partnership with the ONF, which made it possible to plant trees and build nesting boxes. On 18 November 2022, 60 employees were involved; ◆ launch of the renaturation project. This project is spread over several years (2022 to 2024) and aims to contribute to the reforestation of Orly around the National 7 road. The idea is to reforest taking into account biodiversity. In 2023, 14,000 trees should be planted. This project is consistent with the platform’s landscape and biodiversity strategy; ◆ rehabilitation of nesting boxes on the platform for tree sparrows – in areas that do not constitute an animal risk; ◆ signature in 2022 of a partnership agreement with the city of Wissous to offer skills sponsorship to Orly employees (up to five days per year through the foundation) in order to work on
chain of all the Group’s activities), by systematically carrying out assessments of Polluted Sites and Soils before and after projects/ rental, etc. Proprietary project management ensures the implementation of internal monitoring and response procedures to accidental pollution episodes, relying in particular on the expertise of Groupe ADP’s laboratory, in accordance with the national methodology of the French ministry in charge of environment. This monitoring verifies the compatibility of the environmental condition of the sites with their on-site and downstream uses and/or development projects in order, if necessary, to initiate the necessary adaptation measures (modification of projects, treatment of pollution, medium- and long-term monitoring measures, etc.). The soil pollution management procedures stipulate that a soil diagnosis must be performed each time land changes tenants. The staff of Aéroports de Paris SA involved in these issues regularly receive specific training so that ADP is always equipped with the best prevention/management skills in a complex context and constant regulatory changes. In addition, storage and distribution of aviation fuel are provided by external companies that maintain and operate the tanks and the hydrant fuelling system for which they also ensure the control and compliance. As the storage facilities are subject to legislation on Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment (ICPE), they regularly undergo quality and compliance audits by the Direction régionale et interdépartementale de l’environnement, de l’aménagement et des transports (DRIEAT). Groupe ADP communicates regularly with the third parties in question to keep abreast of any changes in their activities and the classification of their facilities (information letters, participation in site monitoring committees, etc.) MAIN ACTIONS Biodiversity Groupe ADP sets out its ambitions and commitments for biodiversity based, in particular, on external players but also on its own operational teams. This is reflected, for example, in the implementation of zero phytosanitary measures at its Parisian platforms, the inventory of fauna and flora species present on its sites, and participatory science activities and initiatives. In 2022, green space management practices continued to evolve to reinforce the gains achieved (zero phyto at Paris-Orly and Liège) and build the positive changes to come. On this last point, the reduction in the use of phytosanitary products has been reinforced at Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Le Bourget with -80% use at the end of 2021 compared to 2008 (three-year average). Paris-Orlymaintains its zero-phytomanagement, as does Liège airport. Today, in line with the zero-phyto approach, animal risk management teams are increasingly adopting a preventative approach and are working toward integrated biodiversity management by creating synergies between the management of our green spaces to achieve a better ecological balance on our land. This performance earned Paris-Orly two labels at the
1 The OLGA project was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 101036871.
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