2022 Universal Registration Document

Soc i al , env i ronmental and soc i etal respons i b i l i ty i nformat i on

Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) challenges at the heart of Aéroports de Paris’ corporate project

Internal organization and implementation of the ESG policy

in this process. In addition, the deployment of the CSR culture is largely based on awareness-raising and internal communication actions. Thus, the new 2025 Pioneers for Trust strategy was the subject of a major communication plan for employees (organization of CSR Open Days at the Maison de l’Environnement at Paris Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly, an update of the intranet site, publication of a dedicated booklet) and investors (organization of a CSR Investors conference on 29 March 2022). In addition, many employees were made aware of climate change through Since 2005 for Aéroports de Paris (and 2014 for the wholly owned subsidiaries), ESG performance has been assessed by the EthiFinance non-financial rating agency every two years. The last requested rating, assessing the non-financial maturity of Aéroports de Paris and the ADP Ingénierie and Hub One subsidiaries, took place in 2020 (score of 89 out of 100 corresponding to the “excellence” level). In addition, Group ADP, aware of the important challenges of airport activity with regard to the climate and its responsibility in the fight against climate change, undertook in 2023 to respond to the climate CDP after several years on hold due to the repercussions of the COVID crisis. The Group is also included in several socially responsible investment indices. the organization of climate frescoes. Measuring ESG performance

The priority is to integrate ESG within all of our activities, at the most strategic level. The sustainable development and public affairs department is responsible for managing the ESG approach. To ensure a cross-functional deployment, the ESG Division relies inter alia on a network of ESG contacts by Group entity. Several strategic divisions are thus involved in the day-to-day

implementation of the strategy: ◆ Human Resources Department; ◆ Ethics and Personal Data Department; ◆ Customer Department; ◆ Logistics & Purchasing Services Department; ◆ General Operations Department.


ESG projects are presented to the Group’s governance bodies, which include the Executive Committee and the Strategy and Investment Committee. In 2019, an ESG Committee was created within the Board of Directors to review the main Environment, Social and Governance issues faced by the Company, as well as the Environment, Social and Governance strategy and action plan. It met four times in 2022. ESG programs are designed and implemented based on a process at the highest level supported by Executive Management. All of the Company’s employees, at every hierarchical level, are involved

Presence in socially responsible investment (SRI) indices S&P Global CSA (formerly DJSI)

Score of 63/100 in 2022 (57 in 2021 compared to an average of 28 for the transport and transport infrastructure sector)

Euronext Vigeo Europe 120 index and Eurozone 120 Index

Since 2012 Since 2015 Since 2012 Since 2009 Since 2014

FTSE4GOOD Global Index and Europe index

MSCI World ESG Indexes Ethibel Sustainability Index

Global Challenge Index (Oekom Prime)

an assessment of the contribution to the sustainability of the planet and to the resolution of the most pressing global issues. The Group has thus identified a contribution to 11 SDGs: ◆ quality education (UN SDG 4); ◆ gender equality (UN SDG 5); ◆ access to clean water and sanitation (UN SDG 6); ◆ access to affordable and clean energy for all (UN SDG 7);

Our progress in these various indices is the priority for the coming years. ESG commitment frameworks To assess its ESG performance and the relevance of its strategy, Group ADP subscribes to international initiatives and benchmarks. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda, used as an analysis grid, have enabled



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