Universal Registration Document 2022


GROUP ACTIVITIES An international strategy with a unique and value-creating model INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT DRIVEN BY THREE COMPLEMENTARY ENTITIES ACROSS THE ENTIRE AIRPORT VALUE CHAIN The evolution of air traffic after the Covid-19 crisis and the context of the ongoing traffic recovery allow the Group to benefit in terms of value creation from its international footprint and the consolidation of its presence in various geographical regions. Groupe ADP remains driven by the conviction that, in the medium term, its internationalisation will put it in a better position to take advantage of the recovery phase and balance its exposure to future changes in air traffic. The Group’s international assets thus make it possible to have a well-balanced portfolio in terms of exposure to promising regions showing significant growth potential due to the continued economic development of the regions, the growth of the middle class and the propensity of the latter to travel. The Group’s international development is characterised by: ◆ complementary geography and exposure to growth between ADP in its own right, TAV Airports and GMR Airports: presence of TAV Airports in the Middle East, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, Maghreb and English-speaking Africa; presence of GMR Airports in South and South-East Asia; and ADP presence in mature (Europe, North America) and emerging (Latin America, French-speaking Africa) markets. This natural development areas should not be seen, however, as compulsory limitations; ◆ sought-after synergies due to Groupe ADP’s unique positioning across the entire airport value chain compared to its operator competitors: ◆ shops and hospitality with, in particular, Société de Distribution Aéroportuaire, Relay@ADP, Media Aéroports de Paris and Epigo (ADP), ATU, specialising in duty free, BTA, specialising in catering and TAV O&S, specialising in airport lounge management (TAV Airports) and Delhi Duty Free (GMR Airports), ◆ technologies with Hub One (ADP) and TAV Technologies (TAV Airports), ◆ engineering and consulting with ADP Airport Services, Merchant Aviation (ADP) and GEMS (GMR Airports), ◆ security with TAV Security (TAV Airports), ◆ ground handling services with Havas (TAV Airports), ◆ innovation and experimentation programwith the Innovation Hub (ADP) and the Innovation Pioneers Community (IPC) network, which brings together innovation officers by assets and by department at Group level including TAV Group; ◆ a strong local network in terms of international development, thanks to the establishment of three regional offices: in Istanbul and Dubai for the Africa-Middle East region, in New York for the Americas region and in Hong Kong for the Asia region. Groupe ADP can also capitalise on its international airport network to support its strategy. The diversity of the Groupe ADP network makes it possible to benefit from real-time and live information

on the state of global traffic, changes in the expectations of our customers, airlines and passengers, and thus to adapt our offer in all areas and have a greater overall influence on the definition of future international operational standards. The context of the pandemic has shown how permanent exchanges between the network’s platforms strengthen the group’s resilience and ability to adapt to business conditions, thus enabling it to facilitate the resumption of traffic. As part of the 2025 Pioneers roadmap, international activities are governed by a quantified objective of stabilising the average maturity of concessions at 30 years. MANAGEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES FOCUSED ON FINANCIAL AND OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE The One Group approach, effective since 1 January 2020 within Groupe ADP, aims to promote the internationalisation of the company, in order to strengthen its industrial and financial performance, and offer broad development prospects to its employees. In managing its international activities and their development, Groupe ADP is aiming at financial robustness and operational performance objectives. This objective is based on an industrial logic and on the integration of the activities conducted within TAV Airports and Airport International Group, as well as the operational partnership associated with the stake in the capital of GMR Airports. This approach should make it possible to promote synergies and cooperation, strengthen the capacity for innovation, optimise resources and free up room for manoeuvre to continue the development of the entire Company. With this in mind, Groupe ADP’s international strategy is structured around three components: ◆ development projects, including non-airport developments and those of service subsidiaries, handled by the Development Department; ◆ managing the network of airport platforms in France and abroad, which are operated by the Group, where applicable through service contracts, and managing the excellence operational model that supports performance, robustness and innovation at Group level, under the responsibility of the General Management of Operations; ◆ the implementation of the One Group approach through the “group” sectors organised around a family of business lines and systematically taking into account expertise related to innovation and sustainable development. These business lines operate in a matrix mode with hierarchical as well as functional reporting. They thus contribute to the Group’s development. International development takes place through: ◆ ADP SA or ADP International directly, particularly in the Americas and Europe; ◆ TAV Airports, which has significant development opportunities with the extension of the concession periods of certain assets as well as new projects (for more details on TAV Airports’ strategy and forecasts, see the section below on TAV Airports); ◆ GMR Airports, which has several growth levers by exploiting the growth potential in India, the dynamism of Indian airlines




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