Universal Registration Document 2022
Agreements approved in previous years without effect during the year
In addition, we have been informed of the following agreements, previously approved by the Annual General Meeting of prior years, which had no effect during the year ended 31 December 2022. 1. With the French State, majority shareholder in Aéroports de Paris or with State public institutions Persons concerned The French State, as well as the directors representing or appointed by the French State, as listed in paragraph 1 of the first section of our report. 1.1 AGREEMENT WITH THE MINISTRY FOR ECOLOGICAL AND SOCIALLY-INCLUSIVE TRANSITION AND THE FRENCH CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY (DGAC), FOR THE EXCHANGE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS Nature and purpose Agreement for the exchange of land and buildings between your Company and the French State, represented by the Ministry for Ecological and Socially-Inclusive Transition, French Civil Aviation Authority. Terms and conditions At its meeting of 28 June 2012, your Board of Directors had authorized the conclusion of an agreement, signed on 2 November 2012, on the terms and conditions of (i) the transfer of land and buildings which the French State (DGAC) no longer required, in the assets of your Company and (ii) the transfer of land and buildings belonging to your Company to be included in the assets of the French State (DGAC), taking into account changes in air traffic and the creation of an urban boulevard called the “Athis-Mons bar”, bypassing Paris-Orly airport by the south and connecting the RD 118 road to the RD 25 road. At its meeting of 14 October 2015, your Board of Directors authorized the conclusion of an amendment to this agreement, signed on 17 December 2015, with the aim of redefining the buildings and land covered by this exchange. These assets, buildings or land, are located in the south-east area of Paris-Orly Airport. The completion of the transfer of these assets depends on the satisfaction of all the following conditions precedent: ◆ receipt from the competent authorities of the waiver of their pre-emptive rights; ◆ agreement of the Domaines Department on the financial valuation of the entire land operation; ◆ decommissioning and down-grading by the French State (DGAC) of its public domain for all land and buildings for which the transfer is envisaged under this agreement; ◆ French State authorization (DGAC) to your Company to transfer two plots used for dog kennels located in the airport “blue zone”, pursuant to Article 53 of your Company’s specifications;
◆ obtaining all reports (asbestos, energy performance diagnosis, termites) necessary to the transfer of building 461 module A6/ B6. The exchanges of land and buildings will be the subject of either an administrative act or a notarial deed effectively transferring ownership of all the aforesaid assets. On the basis of valuations carried out by France Domaine in the Essonne (91) and Val-de-Marne (94) departments, the French State and your Company have agreed that these exchanges are of equivalent economic value and that no balancing amount will be paid. 1.2 AGREEMENT WITH THE FRENCH STATE ON THE TRANSFER OF LAND AND BUILDING SECTIONS, LOCATED AT BUILDING 375 ON THE PARIS-ORLY PLATFORM Nature and purpose Agreement for the exchange of land and building sections located at building 375 on the Paris-Orly platform. Terms and conditions At the meeting of 17 June 2015, your Board of Directors authorized the conclusion of an agreement between your Company and the French State on the terms and conditions for the exchange of land and building sections, occupied by your Company and the Air Border Police Directorate (DPAF) respectively. This agreement, signed on 30 September 2015, provides for the signature of a land exchange act, resulting in the payment of a balancing amount by your Company to the French State of €865 thousand, excluding taxes and duties. 1.3 EQUITY CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT WITH THE Nature and purpose Agreement for shareholder equity contributions to the share capital of Gestionnaire d’Infrastructure CDG Express. Terms and conditions At its meeting of 21 November 2018, your Board of Directors authorized the conclusion of an agreement, signed on 11 February 2019, setting the terms and conditions for shareholder equity contributions to the share capital of Gestionnaire d’Infrastructure CDG Express, under which your Company undertakes to make a maximum share capital contribution of €145 million. Your Company did not pay any contributions during fiscal year 2022. As detailed in paragraph A.1.8 of the first section of our report, an amendment to this agreement was signed on 13 October 2022. FRENCH STATE, SNCF RÉSEAU, CAISSE DES DÉPÔTS ET CONSIGNATIONS, GESTIONNAIRE D’INFRASTRUCTURE CDG EXPRESS AND BNP PARIBAS
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