Universal Registration Document 2022


Innovate, support and empower, in particular in the management of human resources and recruitment: ◆ acceleration of innovation projects, particularly around eVTOL; ◆ training 100% of employees in good ethics and compliance practices; ◆ for human resources and recruitment management, 2022 was a year of major transformation and structuring, in particular given the 1,150 departures as part of the RCC in 2021 and the 160 departures in early 2022 as part of PACT. The filling of positions, on a large scale, was carried out for the new organisations, in two movements: ◆ the internal mobility phase, based on the posting of all available positions, enabled employees to apply for jobs of interest to them. 840 transfers, including 400 promotions, ◆ an exceptional volume of external recruitments, in order to have skills that did not exist internally: the 2022 plan provides for 592, including 531 at the end of December. It includes reclassifications within the Group related to the job protection plans of ADP Ingénierie and Société de Distribution Aéroportuaire. The company uses various channels to attract and source as many candidates as possible. In addition, of the 531 recruitments made, 66 were from internal co-opting, in particular for the maintenance and safety professions. In terms of compensation and commitment, three ESG objectives were included in the 2022-2024 incentive agreement (15 June 2022), which is particularly innovative since it allows each employee to personally contribute to their achievement: number of days of civic engagement during working hours, completion of ethics and compliance training, reduction of CO 2 emissions. Management also continued its efforts to implement its social and environmental commitments, the second quality objective . 2022 was a year of business recovery, in a social context that remains complex. In social terms, for occupational safety, the situation was marked, in particular, by the implementation of new organisations and increased professional mobility. The recovery in activity was accompanied by a deterioration in the frequency rate, to 14.56, compared to the 2019 reference (12.88). Discussions have been initiated to precisely identify the causes of this change and, if necessary, to implement specific actions, in addition to the general prevention plan. For psychosocial risks, a major issue in the current context, the prevention plan focuses on supporting managers and employees during the transformations and global reorganisation of the Company. The 2022 survey “quality of life and working conditions” carried out in October, will make it possible in 2023 to have a mapping of psychosocial risks and to define action plans, supplementing those of the Single Document. This innovative survey for Aéroports de Paris was monitored by a steering committee involving management and employee representatives and the questionnaire was developed jointly. The managerial support program, for nearly 450 managers in 2021, continued in 2022, involving 760 managers. Training on “integrating the human factor and PSR in the prevention of occupational risks”, in place since September 2021 (50 employees), continued in 2022 (155).

Support for employees in changing professional situations: new business organisation, new environments and working methods. Employees affected by internal redeployment all benefited from personalised HR support. The attention paid to youth employment (apprenticeship, Graduate Program) is permanent. The three-year agreement on the management of jobs and career paths (GEPP), signed on 14 April 2022, continues the policy in favour of the recruitment of young people and confirms the approach to developing work study programs. The commitment is a rate of young people on work-study contracts of 3% by the end of the agreement, with an ambition of 3.5%. At the end of 2022, this rate was 3.9%. The Graduate program is strengthened by the possibility of an international mission. In 2022, 220 young people (including 30 years’ old) were recruited on permanent contracts out of 531 (68 in 2021, 49 in 2020) including 24 from the Graduate Program (27 in 2021). 206 work-study contracts were signed (137 in 2021, 62 in 2020). Lastly, the implementation of the 2020-2022 agreements relating to the employment of people with disabilities and gender equality in the workplace continued. These agreements were extended for 2023, by amendments on 4 January 2023. In terms of environment , the implementation of an ambitious climate strategy, aimed at reducing CO 2 emissions related to airport activities, resulted in particular in: ◆ the ACA 4 certification obtained in August 2022 for the three Parisian platforms, which attests to the implementation of long-term objectives in line with the 1.5 °C trajectory; ◆ the Group’s commitment to the SBTi process in June 2022: trajectories on scope 3 are being achieved; ◆ the ongoing definition of CO 2 emission reduction targets for the entire Pioneers for Trust scope, in line with the new environmental policy. For the environmental policy and the preservation of biodiversity, the achievements concern in particular: ◆ the implementation of the environmental pillar of Pioneers for Trust, implemented since 1 January 2022: the France objectives are defined and validated, the Group objectives are in progress with TAV and AIG; ◆ ADP’s commitment to reserve 25% of the surface areas at Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport and 30% at Paris-Orly and Paris Le Bourget for biodiversity, and to improve the biodiversity index of Airport for Trust signatories between 2020 and 2030; ◆ the completion of a study to define the impacts and dependencies of ADP SA on nature, the basis of a future biodiversity trajectory to be built, taking into account all our impacts, including indirect ones. The Chairman and CEO has a company vehicle and is covered by the contract for contingency insurance and the personal accident policy for employees of Aéroports de Paris. He has no employment contract with Aéroports de Paris and is not entitled to any compensation under a non-competition clause. The Chairman and CEO does not receive multi-year or exceptional variable compensation or any severance bonuses and does not benefit from a specific pension scheme. The Board of Directors acknowledged Augustin de Romanet’s decision to waive all compensation for his position as a director of Aéroports de Paris, for which the decision regarding allocation and distribution



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