Universal Registration Document 2022



MAIN RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS The Group has set up an investment project management system based on a Strategic Investment Committee and a Commitments Committee chaired by the Chairman and CEO. In addition, the Engineering and Capital Projects Department (ECP) plans, designs, organises and carries out infrastructure investments to meet medium- and long-term airport and strategic

needs. The Engineering and Capital Projects Department (ECP) takes into account the evolution of society’s expectations in terms of the environment and health and rigorously implements regulatory procedures in terms of the environment and urban planning, monitors technological trends and developments in air transport and is developing a multi-modal policy in consultation with transport authorities and local authorities.



4 - A: RISKS RELATED TO THE EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE Insufficient awareness of environmental issues and of the impact of climate change, which could negatively affect Groupe ADP’s activity and growth outlook, and even lead to a decline in air traffic. Criticality ++ Change in 2022 Detailed description of the risk factor

Potential effects for the Group y Excessive regulatory compliance costs y Additional financial operating costs, operating losses y Degradation of service y Tightening of noise and climate regulations (traffic restrictions) y Litigation and disputes y Social conflicts Interconnected risks y Risks related to the economic trajectory y Regulatory risks y Risks related to network management y Risks related to portfolio management

In the context of the struggle against climate change, the air transport crisis and the environmental pressures weighing on this sector, Groupe ADP’s challenge is to: y restore its activity and growth prospects in compliance with applicable regulations and in accordance with international, national and local policies; y support the structural changes in the sector while continuing to serve the interests of all its stakeholders; y remain an engine of economic development and employment for the nearest territories. The group’s platforms’ activities may have an environmental, economic and social impact on the implantation territories and surroundings. Such activities may generate, in the absence of prevention, reduction and/or compensation measures, specific pollution risks (noise, emissions to air, water and soil) and waste management, resource use (water, energy), biodiversity protection and sustainable development issues, or even an unfavourable climate impact. In addition, depending on the country in which they are located, the activities of the group’s platforms may be disrupted by the occurrence of environmental events of an extreme nature (high winds, floods, etc.). Failure to take sufficient account of environmental, regional and social issues in Groupe ADP’s activities, or the perception that they are insufficient, could hinder the Group’s business and growth prospects (risk of traffic restrictions), lead to an increase in financing and insurance costs, increase the number of disputes and legal proceedings, ultimately devalue the Group’s assets, have a negative impact on its image and reputation, and lead to recruitment difficulties. It may also lead to movements of mistrust or demands, particularly from its stakeholders.

MAIN RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS In the last quarter of 2022, Groupe ADP launched a study to diagnose the risks (description, probability and magnitude of impacts) related to climate change and actions to combat climate change. This study will make it possible to draw up an inventory of the actions to mitigate these risks and reduce the associated costs put in place by ADP (and its partners when this is relevant for the mitigation of the risk). Groupe ADP strives, for its Parisian and international platforms, to (i) minimise its internal environmental footprint, (ii) facilitate the reduction of the environmental footprint of its service providers and customers, for example, by supporting sustainable alternative fuel and hydrogen for aviation or via the electrification of its platforms, (iii) establish a constructive dialogue with its

stakeholders, share the value created by the development of airport activity with the territories, to the benefit of the local communities, their inhabitants and the companies based there, and rely on territorial environmental projects, and (iv) integrate the environmental performance of its activity over the whole life cycle, including in its development and construction activity. In France or abroad, the Groupe ADP Foundation supports general interest projects in the territories where the Group operates, such as in Mauritius and Madagascar, prioritising education. This support enabled the creation of the AIG Foundation. Finally, the group prepares to deal with extreme events, in particular through weather monitoring, by the sizing and supervision of its infrastructures and by business continuity plans.



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