PWW 33

Les « like » et commentaires sur Facebook y participent également. Cette notation collaborative, sorte de bouche-à-oreille numérique, est vue comme un outil de recom- mandation fiable et un indice de confiance pour se repérer dans la jungle des offres. « Pour une requête sur les moteurs de recherche, il peut y avoir plusieurs dizaines demilliers de réponses. Comme dans une forêt vierge inextricable, seul un humain qui l’a un peu pratiquée peut nous faciliter la tâche » , décrypte Serge Tisseron, psychiatre et membre de l’Académie des technologies. En effet, comment choisir entre 500 hôtels pour votre prochain ▲

find their way through a jungle of advertisements. “There can be tens of thousands of respons- es to a search-engine query. In unexplored terrain, we need the help of people who have already been there,” emphasizes Serge Tisseron, a psychiatrist and a member of the Académie des Technologies. For example, how can we possibly choose between 500 hotels for our next trip? “The accumulation of information quickly became unmanageable, which led to the idea of ratings,” he adds. According to a survey conducted in 2018 by the Bright- Local platform for marketers, 86%

of respondents – and 95% of 18-34-year-olds – said they looked at ratings before making a deci- sion, and 57% of consumers will only purchase products or use services with at least four stars. Businesses are also relying on ratings. When they’re good, they can be a powerful advertising tool. AccorHotels Group, for example, publishes TripAdvisor ratings of their hotels on their websites. “But reviews, especially the neg- ative ones, are also useful for analyzing what can be improved and finding solutions. The pres- sure is all the greater, as ratings have a significant economic ▲



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