PVA Magazine n°6 (juillet-octobre 2021)
Les bonnes adresses de la rue Lepic Parmi les nouvelles enseignes qui ont investi la rue Lepic, certaines boutiques, bistrots, restaurants d’autrefois font de la résistance et donnent un certain relief à la balade. • Au n°11 : la « so chic » boutique du Moulin rouge où l’on trouve de nombreux objets aux couleurs de la revue et où l’on peut admirer la sortie des artistes. • Au n°12 : le Lux Bar pour découvrir les décors en céramique, le bar en bois orné de marqueterie, et partager un verre en terrasse. • Au n°15 : le Café des Deux Moulins pour se remémorer les scènes du Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain jouées par Audrey Tautou. • Au n°22 : le Comptoir colonial pour faire le plein d’épices, de thé ou de café. • Au n°26 : déguster des gourmandises à la boulangerie Les Petits Mitrons. • Au n°77 : The White Gallery Paris , une galerie d’art contemporain où l’art pop et décalé a toute sa place. • Au n°83 : l’iconique restaurant du Moulin de la Galette parce que Dalida y dînait et que des peintres comme Van Gogh ou Lautrec l’ont immortalisé sur leurs toiles.
Where to go on the Rue Lepic Despite the many new boutiques taking over Rue Lepic, a number of historic shops, bistros, and restaurants from the past remain, safeguarding the street’s storied past. • No. 11: the oh-so-chic Moulin Rouge boutique o ers colourful souvenirs from the famous cabaret. • No. 12: Lux Bar features decorative ceramic tiles, a beautiful inlaid bar, and an outdoor terrace. • No. 15: at Café des Deux Moulins you can relive scenes from the movie Amélie , whose heroine was played by Audrey Tautou. • No. 22: head to the Comptoir Colonial for spices, tea, and co ee galore. • No. 26: sample the delights at the Les Petits Mitrons bakery. • No. 77: the White Gallery Paris specialises in contemporary Pop Art. • No. 83: the iconic Moulin de la Galette restaurant was immortalised by Van Gogh and Toulouse-Lautrec.
martre’s Saint-Pierre church – Rue Lepic may never have existed. One morning in 1809, the Emperor headed up the Chemin Vieux (now Rue Ravignan), the most direct route to the top of the Butte Montmartre, but was forced to dismount and nish on foot due to the muddy, rain-soaked ground. Never to be thwarted again, he built the Chemin Neuf in a wide curve up to Rue des Abbesses ending in a gentle climb toward the mills of Montmartre 1 . Baptized the Rue de l’Empereur in 1852, and then the Rue Royale, it was renamed Rue Lepic in 1864 in honour of Count Louis Lepic, Napoleon’s general. All along the street pedestrians are delighted by the liveliness of this former working-class street. MOVIES, PAINTINGS, AND SONGS Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s 2001 lm Amélie , partly shot at the Café des Deux Moulins 3 (no. 15), put the former market street on the map. Although the atmosphere has changed, there are still emblematic places from its past, for instance, the Lux Bar (no. 12), with its superb decorative tiles depicting the Moulin Rouge neigh- bourhood. In 1962, the poet and lyricist Bernard Dimey composed the song Syracuse at one of its tables. Rue Lepic 2 was a source of inspiration for many artists, including songwriter Jean-Baptiste-Clément (no. 53), who wrote the famous song Le Temps des Cerises there in 1866. Vincent van Gogh, who lived on the third oor of no. 54 from 1886 to 1888 painted several views of the street from hiswindow, aswell as a series of canvases depictingMont- martre. Edgar Degas established his studio at no. 50 and Louis-Ferdinand Céline wrote two of his major works, Journey to the End of the Night and Death on Credit , in his apartment at no. 98. A street bursting with history.
CREATED BY NAPOLEON The famous Rue Lepic, a stone’s throw from the Moulin Rouge, begins its ascent at the foot of the Butte Mont- martre and climbs all the way to Place Jean-Baptiste-Clé- ment near Sacré-C ur. Without Napoleon Bonaparte’s visit to see Claude Chappe’s optical telegraph – a tech- nological innovation installed in the bell tower of Mont-
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