ADP CSR Report 2020
Acting in a responsible and ethical manner
More than others, our activities and the specific characteristics of our company commit us to being extremely vigilant with regard to ethics and anti-corruption. We are therefore involved in various bodies and implement an Ethics and Compliance programme that we enhance each year.
• Compliance with United Nations and International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions on human rights and combating corruption.
• Signatory of the joint declaration of companies on the responsible lobbying of Transparency France.
• Member of the French business ethics circle.
• In accordance with the French Sapin 2
law, registration in the Directory of Interest Representatives held by the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life.
Supported by the Executive Committee, our Ethics and Compliance culture is based on an ethical code of conduct and compliance, procedures for managing gifts, invitations and conflicts of interest, a responsible lobbying charter. Their distribution is based on our network of representatives in each of the entities around the world. A whistleblowing system is also accessible to all Group employees and those of our subcontractors: a charter governs the treatment and protection of whistleblowers. In this context, we continued to improve our practices in 2020, in particular through the following actions:
• Our Ethics Committee, set up in 2019 with a mission to reflect on emerging issues and to issue recommendations to inform Executive Committee decision making, has produced two opinions on points of attention related to the support of employees by managers in the context of short-time working. • We have updated our mapping of corruption risks by incorporating the external recommendations of experts that we contacted to strengthen our methodology.
• The crisis has enabled us to consider ways of raising awareness of our employees. For example, we have created a newsletter for Ethics and Compliance representatives. We want to roll out a managerial kit on the subject. • We have a third-party assessment tool to supplement the Due Diligence with regard to third parties with whom we have a business relationship (suppliers, customers, partners, etc.). • Finally, the third edition of our ethical climate survey, which was delayed during the Covid-19 crisis, will be published in 2021.
13,000 Group employees trained in e-learning on ethics and compliance issues since May 2019 500 managers made aware of ethics and Compliance during face-to-face training
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