ADP CSR Report 2020
Promoting intergenerational diversity in France
ADP pays specific attention to intergenerational diversity: a commitment that is particularly important in times of crisis, even if it poses particular challenges to young people and seniors. This commitment results in sustained efforts for Aéroports de Paris SA.
41 young people
8% of employees are over 60 years old 19 employees benefited from end- of-career part-time work arrangements (less than 29 years old) among the 154 people recruited in 2020 62 new work-study contracts
Supporting access to employment for
2 Keeping seniors in employment We have maintained our employment objectives for seniors:
young people Studies by CEREQ (Centre for Studies and Research on
Qualifications) show that young people starting to work during a crisis see their career fall behind more than 10 years in terms of advancement and remuneration. It is therefore essential that young people have access to the world of work. That is why, despite the drastic reduction in our activities, we have kept the 129 apprentices on contracts at Aéroports de Paris SA, in order to enable them to validate their diploma. We also took on 62 new work-study students during 2020.
• Improving working conditions by taking account of difficulty factors; • Anticipating career development; • Developing skills and providing better access to training; • Planning for the end of working life to enable seniors to retire in good conditions.
Scope: Aéroports de Paris SA
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