ADP CSR Report 2020
And in addition to the health crisis
INDIA GMR Airport Foundation — During the crisis, the Varalakshmi Foundation of GMR in India distributed food to more than 140,000 vulnerable people, 7,000 families and 5 orphanages. In addition, in partnership with radio 92.7 Big FM and Delhi police, the Hands for Humanity programme made it possible to distribute food parcels to more than 1,000 families in ten days. Women involved in the sewing training supported by the foundation manufactured 60,000 masks and 6,500 protective kits for caregivers. Finally, mobile medical units and clinics set up at the GMR airports also welcomed disadvantaged people. These emergency interventions did not prevent the foundation from pursuing its training and education programme.
In April 2020, ADP responded to the call for volunteers to participate in the implementation and management of the Covisan project, a home screening testing system initiated by AP-HP to accompany the relaxation of the lockdown in May 2020 and break the Covid-19 contamination chains. In particular, there was a lack of managers with management experience. We were three to commit ourselves through a sponsorship of skills. In particular, we participated in the creation of an effective organisation and the deployment of positive communication. We experienced a rewarding and great human adventure in contact with very different and committed people: managers of other voluntary companies, soldiers, nurses, airline pilots, young graduates, etc. We remember an experience that was both intense and demanding. And the satisfaction of having been useful in such a tumultuous period.
The health crisis partly concealed the rest of the news. However, it did not stop the cycle of wars, famines, natural disasters, etc. The population of Madagascar was exposed to an exceptional drought: to prevent famine, we distributed food to the inhabitants and offered 1.5 tons of rice to the municipality of Antananarivo. In the midst of the health crisis, the city of Beirut was devastated by the double explosion on 4 August 2020 which caused more than 200 deaths with 6,500 injured. To respond to the food and medical emergency, the Groupe ADP Foundation and the Endowment Fund of the Paris airport community made a total donation of €30,000 to Caritas Lebanon to provide immediate first aid to victims.
Samira Serka, Arnaud Pouilly and Frédérique Serin Employees of Groupe ADP
And what about tomorrow?
In the face of a long-term crisis, we are not going to make cutbacks on our engagement programmes. On the contrary, they are more necessary than ever to limit the impact of the crisis on the people in our regions, who are already vulnerable. Not only are we maintaining our budgetary efforts, but we will also resume the actions that we were unable to carry out in 2020 due to the lockdown. We also want to increase the involvement of the largest number of our employees by developing mentoring, skills sponsorship and any other form of action. Therefore, in 2021, we will roll out a digital and user-friendly platform facilitating the interaction of our employees with many partner associations in various fields of activity (education, diversity, environment, etc.).
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