ADP CSR Report 2020
Educating, training and facilitating access to employment for local people
Youth education is the priority focus of the ADP, GMR and AIG foundations, as well as the airports that do not yet have a foundation. They support local actions and associations for school coaching, combating illiteracy and openness to culture.
By supporting education and access to training for the inhabitants of our regions, we encourage their professional integration. In particular, the professional integration of people alienated from the workplace, made particularly vulnerable by the Covid-19 crisis.
This is a global strategy that also involves local recruitment and support for players across the entire integration chain: Aéroports de Paris SA supports associations such as Papa Charlie 11 (mobility assistance), First Stade (integration through employment of very vulnerable people), Comité Habitat (accommodation assistance) 12 …
schooling for the children of Ivato — In Madagascar, our commitment to the schooling of disadvantaged children takes several forms: for example, we have offered school furniture to 180 students in the primary school and middle school in Ivato, supported the Sésame programme, which provides access to higher education to deserving high school graduates from disadvantaged backgrounds. Finally, we support the Ny Hoaviko association which, in 2019, opened a reception centre for the provision of daily school support to 60 very disadvantaged children of Antananarivo and Mantasoa.
Since its creation in 2019, the AIG Foundation aims to assist and support vulnerable people living around Amman airport, paying particular attention to young people who represent 35% of Jordan’s population. In this way, we created a training centre in the telephony and hairdresser trades with 36 young people, the majority of whom immediately found a job. In view of the success of this first stage, in 2020 we undertook to diversify our training offering to include sewing, cooking, sustainable agriculture and maintenance of hybrid vehicles, all skills which meet the real needs of the neighbourhood, including the airport ecosystem, and which will facilitate access to employment for these young people. The foundation also provided educational support to 86 young people and participated in the financing of football courses for 36 children.
Zahia Nasan Director of the AIG Foundation and Director of communications and marketing of Airport International Group
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