ADP CSR Report 2020
Measuring and monitoring noise Our Paris, Zagreb, Liège, Madagascar and Amman airports are equipped with tools for measuring and mapping noise pollution. In Île-de-France, our laboratory has fifty stations sending their measurements every month to the Authority for Airport Nuisance Control (ACNUSA) and the French Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC). environmental maps, and contribute to the development of action plans decided by theSTATE, which are the basis for our dialogue with local stakeholders and residents. To go further in our understanding of the effect of non-acoustic factors in the inconvenience experienced by local residents, we are involved in studies, particularly in the studies of the impact of noise on health carried out under the ANIMA (Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approches 8 ) project. These measurements make it possible to draw up sound
Informing and consulting residents These measurements are made available to the general public. To make them more easily understandable, we have developed visual tools: in Île-de-France, for example, the entrevoisins.groupeadp. fr site makes it possible to cross reference noise data with aircraft trajectories. It also facilitates the filing of complaints. In Île-de-France, we have two bodies for dialogue with local residents: the Environmental Advisory Committees (CCE) and the Advisory Committees for Assistance to Local Residents are mandatorily consulted on all matters relating to the environmental impacts and noise pollution associated with the operation of Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly. We are also developing numerous initiatives at our international airports. AT Liège, a Noise Exposure Plan is being developed with the Airport Support Committee in which all local communities are represented. AT Zagreb, a noise committee and noise reduction action plan was put in place in 2020.
Reducing noise pollution
Groupe ADP, in close collaboration with the DGAC, is working continuously to act on each of the pillars of the “balanced approach” namely: • noise reduction at source: with, inter alia, modulation of fees encouraging the renewal of aircraft fleets and penalising the most noisy aircraft; • land planning and management: Groupe ADP manages the system to assist residents with soundproofing; • the operating procedures limiting noise: Groupe ADP contributes to the work of air navigation services with the ultimate objective of the generalisation of continuous descents at Paris CDG and Paris‑Orly; • operating restrictions: Groupe ADP has committed to launching impact studies at Paris-Orly and Paris CDG in order to strengthen existing measures to limit the use of the most noisy aircraft at night. This study was launched in 2020 at Paris-Orly, under the supervision of the DGAC.
And what about tomorrow?
Aware that combating noise pollution is essential to the quality of life of our residents, we will continue our work to control it at all our airports, depending on local contexts.
(8) To learn more, visit
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