ADP CSR Report 2020
Measuring the impact of the air transport sector crisis In order to deal with the crisis and help build appropriate responses, the first essential step is to understand and measure the impact of the fall in airport activity on the economy and employment. In Île-de-France, two major studies were launched in 2020 at our initiative 1 :
We are setting up a Job Observatory with the Paris CDG
2 We have initiated a study on the economic impact of the air transport crisis on the regions with Paris CDG Alliance, Orly International and researchers from Gustave Eiffel University and the École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay. The first results, in spring 2020, showed a record contraction in activity (-43%) in the economic area of Paris-Charles de Gaulle. The first results of this study will be available at the end of the first half of 2021 and the final results at the end of 2021. In addition to the figures, the issue is to understand the relationship between airport activity and the economic fabric of the regions served.
Alliance 2 and Orly International 3 partnership structures. This observatory makes it possible to produce half-yearly quantitative employment analyses for the two Paris airports, observe annually the evolution of jobs at the airports by sector and produce, every three years, an in-depth study. An initial analysis, carried out at the end of June 2020, showed a decrease in employment of 2.1% in the Paris- Charles de Gaulle area and 3.8% for the Paris-Orly area, mainly focused on fixed-term contracts and temporary employment.
BELGIUM Focus on the economic footprint of the airport at Liège — We carry out economic analyses at several of our airports. At Liège, we asked the University of Liège to measure the impact of our airport: the study was published in 2020 (on 2018 data). Prior to the crisis, Liège Airport generated 9,100 jobs, including 91% on permanent contracts and 93% full-time. 80% of these jobs were occupied by people living within a radius of 50 km around the airport. This study will be updated regularly to take into account the crisis context but highlights the airport’s role of “economic catalyst”: by boosting trade, it enabled companies located there to generate 267 million euros in gross value in 2018.
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