ADP CSR Report 2020
Committed, worldwide, for our regions
Our commitments
An airport is not solely intended to connect a region to the rest of the world. It must also be linked to the region where it is located. Groupe ADP has been building a close relationship with the regions based on the sharing of value created by the airport business for a decade: economic drivers during periods of growth, the Paris airports generate an economic dynamic that creates jobs. In times of crisis, the airports must contribute to the resilience of the regions. Today, our role is to cushion the impact of the crisis, anticipate the recovery so that it benefits as a priority the inhabitants and companies in the
In 2020, we finalised the Airports for Trust charter whereby 23 of our airports are committed for the future to sharing the value generated by their activities with their ecosystems in order to build an even more responsible and sustainable airport industry. These commitments are naturally implemented according to local contexts, but all our airports share common objectives:
• building a relationship of trust over the long term with the regions and local stakeholders; • developing the positive impact of airport activity for the regions of influence, particularly in terms of economic development, employment- training and integration;
• actively contributing to improving the living
environment of local residents and reducing noise exposure;
• uniting the airport community and acting together to maximise the positive impact of airport activity.
regions. This involves constant dialogue and
86/100 extra-financial rating
of Aéroports de Paris on the societal component in 2020 (+3 points compared to 2018)
strong solidarity with local decision-makers, economic players and inhabitants.
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