ADP CSR Report 2020
Committing to the decarbonisation of aviation Decarbonisation is a major issue for the air transport sector as a whole. For an airport operator, this means:
1 Optimisation of operations By working in particular with airlines on the deployment of means of substitution for high-emitter APUs (auxiliary power unit), eco-flying and adaptation of flight paths. We are also working with our ground handling service provider partners on making their equipment greener.
Support for the development of
3 Advent of liquid hydrogen aircraft This new aircraft, announced for 2035, represents a real technological breakthrough and a challenge for airports both in terms of aircraft operation and infrastructure adaptation to ensure the distribution of hydrogen on a large scale. At the end of 2020 we were involved in a working party of some thirty “multi- business” employees from different companies, to prepare for the arrival of hydrogen at our airports.
sustainable aviation fuels About half of the decarbonisation efforts by 2050 are based on their deployment. We are a member of the consortium of 5 sustainable aviation fuel production projects on French territory, and we are advocating an appropriate support mechanism that promotes their deployment as soon as possible.
EUROPE Towards the decarbonisation of European aviation —
“Destination 2050” 12 is a study funded by Airlines for Europe, ACI Europe, ASD 13 , ERA 14 and CANSO 15 aimed at defining the decarbonisation trajectory of European air transport. We have been significantly involved in these discussions, which concluded that, by 2050, the decarbonisation of European aviation (“net zero”) is possible in a trajectory that mobilises in particular sustainable aviation fuels and hydrogen aircraft. The transition of the sector is only possible with the support of the public authorities.
(12) To learn more, visit (13) Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (14) European Region Airline Association (15) Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation
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