ADP CSR Report 2019

Improving our environmental performance

Biodiversity conservation



Avoid, reduce, offset

The Paris-Orly and Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airports now have a "development, landscape and biodiversity" master plan based on an inventory of species and a map of spaces and their ecological value. This diagnosis should enable us to establish a development framework and plan our projects with the following goals: control their impacts on biodiversity, comply as much as possible with the regulatory doctrine "avoid, reduce or offset" , offset any impacts, primarily within offsetting areas identified at the airport, and enhance biodiversity on our sites. We are working on eliminating plant protection products based on the Paris-Orly model. The other Paris airports are preparing to implement a "zero plant protection"programme. Lastly, the Paris-Charles de Gaulle and terminal 4 development project will incorporate the biodiversity aspect by design. Soil artificialisation will be limited as much as possible and destroyed biodiversity will be offset as a priority on our rights-of-way or alternatively within a 15 km radius around Paris-Charles de Gaulle. We also propose to support planting or forest restocking projects in the Paris region under our partnership with the National Forests Office for Montmorency.


The subject of biodiversity is more than ever a key topic on the international agenda. The latest IPBES 28 report, drawn up by 150 experts from 50 countries, concludes that " nature is globally declining at a rate never before seen in human history and the rate of species extinction is accelerating ". In this context, the World Conservation Congress will be held in January 2021 and the COP15 on biodiversity is scheduled for the first quarter of 2021. Due to our large land base with a strong green space component – over 1,200 hectares of aeronautical grasslands in the Paris region –, we have a role to play in promoting biodiversity in these precious areas at the heart of a highly urbanised region.


In 2018, we set ourselves four goals as part of the Act4nature initiative:

Achieve a better understanding of the biodiversity at our airports ; Have a strategic vision of biodiversity in our developments; Ensure the ecological management of green spaces by limiting the use of plant protection products and adapting our management


practices to preserve and develop existing species; Raise our stakeholders' awareness and involve them in a participatory approach.

Contrary to popular belief, airports and their vast grasslands can be home to a rich and sometimes remarkable biodiversity that contributes to the local ecosystem. The fritillary sparrow, an endangered species in sharp decline throughout Western Europe, is present at Paris-Orly despite being rare in the region. To help people learn about this important asset, together with the Aéro Biodiversité association we organise visits and participatory observations

In 2019, a total of over 140 people took part in the 36 days of participatory observation (including more than 100 at Paris CDG) held at the five member sites of the initiative. We are also striving to raise awareness among our passengers: an information video was shown in the baggage reclaim areas during the two months following the publication of the IPBES report in April 2019. Our Environmental and Sustainable Development Resource Centres also provide activities on the subject.

As a member of the new scheme "Businesses committed to nature - Act4nature France 29 " from the French Biodiversity Office, we subscribe to the ten common principles promoting the integration of biodiversity into our strategies and business models, and concrete action to ensure its preservation, restoration, and sustainable and fair use.


aimed at a wide range of audiences: staff members of ADP or companies that are members of our

-60% PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS between 2008 and 2018 (target -50%) Scope: Aéroports de Paris SA

14% OF PLANT SPECIES IN THE PARIS REGION present at Paris-Orly Airport

CONTINUATION OF zero plant protection products AT PARIS-ORLY for the fourth year running

Environmental Partners Clubs, schoolchildren and the general public. The data collected through scientific protocols during these observations are sent to the National Museum of Natural History.

(28) Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (29) To learn more, visit



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