ADP CSR Report 2019
Appendix 5
E EASA: European Aviation Safety Association EBITDA: Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation ESG: Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance ESI: Ethibel Sustainability Index (responsible investment index) EXCOM: Executive Committee EU: European Union F FCDAP: Paris Airport Community Endowment Fund. Forem: Walloon Office for Vocational Training and Employment
O O 3
: Ozone OECD: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OHSAS: Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (an internationally applied British standard for occupational health and safety management systems) OMA: OMA Foundation for sexually abused children P PaQte: pact with the districts for all businesses (initiative from the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Territorial Authorities, initiated in 2018) PEB: Noise Exposure Plan PEC: Permanent Employment Contract PGS: Noise Pollution Plan PM 2.5 : suspended fine particles PPA: Project Partnership Development / or Power Purchase Agreement (direct sale of electricity) PRM: People with Reduced Mobility Q QPV: City Priority District R RE: Renewable Energies RMP: Reduced Mobility Passengers S SA: public limited company SBF 120: Stock market index – Société des Bourses Françaises SCIEGE: Consular Company for Business Establishment and Warehouse Management SDA: Société de Distribution Aéroportuaire SDG: UN Sustainable Development Goals SESAR: Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research (programme for modernising the European air traffic management system – technological component of the construction of the Single European Sky) SME: company mobility scheme (PME) or small and medium-sized enterprises SRI: Socially Responsible Investing SRI: see ISR T TAV Airports: Turkish airport group U UN: United Nations UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change V
FTC: Fixed-Term Contract FTE: Full-Time Equivalent G GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation Graduate Programme: programme developed by the company to attract young graduates GRI: Global Reporting Initiative (mission to develop applicable guidelines on sustainable development for governmental and non-governmental organisations)
H ha: hectare (unit of area measurement) HALDE: the French supreme authority in matters of discrimination and equality HQE: High Environmental Quality (environmental label for buildings) HR: Human Resources Hub: connection hub I ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organisation ILO: International Labour Organisation IPBES: Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services ISE: Intermediate-Sized Enterprise ISO: International Organisation for Standardisation K KADIGER: Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey kWh: Kilowatt-hour (unit of energy) L LED: Light-Emitting Diode LF: Labour Force M Materiality: a function of company size as measured by assets and revenue MEDD: Environmental and Sustainable Development Resource Centre MP: Manpower Planning MSCI: Financial services company, publishing stock market indices in particular MWh: Megawatt-hour (unit of energy) N NGO: Non-Governmental Organisation NHW: Non-Hazardous Waste NO: Nitric Oxide NO 2 : Nitrogen Dioxide
VITRAIL: visualisation of aircraft flight paths and online information (software for depicting air traffic in the Paris region and associated noise measurements) VSB: Very Small Business W WHO: World Health Organisation Wtech: Women in Technology Association
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