ADP CSR Report 2019
Appendix 3
Our pledge to uphold the principles of the ILO and the Global Compact is crystallised in the actions undertaken in these areas and described in the table below.
Environmental protection
7. Support a preventive approach to environmental challenges 8. Take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility 9. Encourage the growth and dissemination of environmentally- friendly technologies
Human rights
Environmental policy of Aéroports de Paris
1 . Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
Groupe ADP code of conduct, CSR charter, supplier CSR charter incorporated into the procurement processes (sent for signature by candidates for procurement processes initiated by Aéroports de Paris)
Conduct an environmental training and awareness-raising programme for all Aéroports de Paris staff members.
within the Group's sphere of influence
Technology and innovation watch (renewable energies) by Aéroports de Paris
Aéroports de Paris code of conduct and vigilance plan currently being formalised, notably in collaboration with our international subsidiaries Aéroports de Paris ensures supplier compliance with provisions regarding illegal work by obtaining from them legal documents certifying their compliance with fiscal and social law and any legal obligation to declare foreign workers During procurement processes,
Signatory of the Responsible Lobbying Declaration of Transparency International France
2. Make sure that the Group's companies are not complicit in human rights abuses
Audit in 2018 of fraud prevention 2015-2017 for Aéroports de Paris
candidate CSR policies and practices declared in respect of human rights are taken into account
• Creation of an Ethics and Compliance Division reporting directly the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer and tasked with the company-wide management of ethics and compliance with the Legal Affairs & Insurance Division for Aéroports de Paris and its subsidiaries • Implementation of an Ethics and Compliance action plan approved by the Executive Committee and presented to the Board of Directors and its Audit and Risks Committee • Letter of commitment from members of the Executive Committee
Social audits (compliance with labour law rules) are conducted in certain procurement segments The Procurement Division is an integral part of the process of applying the law regarding the duty of vigilance where suppliers and subcontractors are concerned
10. Combat corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery
Labour standards/Principles of the ILO
and the managing directors of TAV Airports and AIG • Implementation of a warning platform accessible to all Groupe ADP staff members and supplier staff members • Revision of the Code of Ethics annexed to the bylaws of Aéroports de Paris
3. Respect freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
Staff representative bodies, individual entitlement to union training and signature of union rights agreements
Inclusion of CSR criteria in the selection of suppliers/subcontractors. Contractual procurement documents include the Suppliers CSR Charter and the Aéroports de Paris standard general administrative clauses requiring suppliers and providers to apply national workforce protection regulations and to comply with ILO conventions
4. Eliminate all forms of forced or compulsory labour
By agreeing to respond to calls for tenders, candidates commit to applying the supplier CSR charter, in particular its requirements on the abolition of child labour Groupe ADP's commitment to combat discrimination through the signature of four agreements: employment of people with disabilities (2016-2018), gender equality in the workplace (2017-2019), diversity (2017-2019), the "youth" and "senior" provisions of the manpower planning agreement (2016-2018)
5. Ensure the effective abolition of child labour
6. Eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
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