2022 Universal Registration Document

Soc i al , env i ronmental and soc i etal respons i b i l i ty i nformat i on 4 Lead the environmental transition of the airport and support that of air transport

With its new 2025 Pioneers for Trust policy, Groupe ADP wishes to continue its efforts on its Parisian platforms by intensifying them by involving its value chain and international platforms. Through its activities as an airport operator, retailer (retail activities in terminals), property manager and energy producer and distributor, Groupe ADP is dependent, and has an impact, on the environment. The Group’s ambition is to aim for zero impact on natural environments (water, soil, biodiversity, etc.) of its activities and to reduce/control its dependence on natural resources (particularly resources under stress) and thus optimize its resilience. For example, airport activities require the control of water effluents and the implementation of appropriate water treatment. The operation of aircraft and ground vehicle maintenance platforms requires control of the chemicals used so that they do not impact the soil and groundwater. The development of building infrastructure and the maintenance of green spaces can also have impacts on biodiversity. On this last point, airports are a real reservoir of biodiversity (in particular if they are managed as “zero phytosanitary” or if they tend to be so). Groupe ADP, fully aware of the great diversity of ecosystems and species present on its platforms, strives to find a balance between air activity, by improving knowledge of the fauna and flora present, the proportionate management of the animal risk, and the protection of non-dangerous fauna for aviation safety. POLICY/OBJECTIVES Biodiversity As an operator and developer of large surface areas in France and abroad, Groupe ADP is particularly sensitive and concerned by biodiversity issues. To meet this challenge, in 2022 Groupe ADP adopted an ambitious and proactive 2025 Pioneers strategic roadmap, with the preservation of biodiversity as a major priority. The Group’s new 2025 Pioneers strategic plan aims to: ◆ preserve 25% of surface area for biodiversity at Paris-CDG and 30% at Paris-Orly and Paris-Le Bourget; ◆ Paris-Le Bourget and Paris-Charles de Gaulle were zero phytosanitary in 2025 (Paris-Orly has been “zero phytosanitary” since 2016); ◆ provide the Group’s airports that are signatories to the Airport For Trust Charter with a trajectory to improve their biodiversity index by 2030 (compared to 2020); ◆ implement a low-carbon construction policy and environmental project governance (see “Commitment 4.1: Implement a low carbon construction and circular economy policy; build as little as possible, and in a modular and flexible way; implement environmental governance for investment projects, with a carbon and biodiversity budget”). In addition, the Group has undertaken to: ◆ contribute to exemplary environmental work in the aviation sector, in particular in the fight against the trafficking of protected species;

◆ recovery of unsold food from food businesses for local non profits; ◆ recycling of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); ◆ development of selective collection and recycling of cigarette butts at Paris-Charles de Gaulle; ◆ improved communication and awareness of employees and passengers on waste sorting. With regard to this last point, a specific initiative is being carried out with CITEO. In preparation for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Groupe ADP is involved in a working group led by CITEO to “harmonize the sorting gesture” at the level of the players in the spectator and stakeholder journey (sportspeople, media, staff, organizers, etc.). The aim of this initiative is to offer spectators around the world a journey during which waste sorting follows the same rules and the same signage in order to improve their experience and optimize the sorting gesture at source and, therefore, waste recovery. During its commitment to this initiative, Aéroports de Paris benefited from the joint work carried out with CITEO on the guide on waste sorting in terminals co-written and published by CITEO in 2019. This work made it possible to exchange views with many transport players (SNCF Gares et Connexions, TRANSDEV, RATP Groupe, etc.) and to harmonize practices between players. Actions will be carried out in 2023 and 2024 and will result in investments and organizational measures that will form part of the environmental legacy of the 2024 Paris JOPs (Olympic Games). Actions are also being prepared for 2023 to improve sorting at source in the terminals (dual bin/sorting stream) and in office premises (ban on individual bins to improve massification/ sorting). INDICATORS ◆ Rate of material recovery from non-hazardous waste (NHW): material recovery includes recycling and reuse. The waste taken into account is waste collected internally and by third parties served by the group; ◆ Quantities of non-hazardous waste collected per € of revenue: the interest of this indicator is to determine the average quantity of waste collected per €1 of revenue; ◆ Quantity of non-hazardous waste (NHW – or similar household waste) generated in the terminals, per passenger: the interest of this indicator is to determine the average quantity of waste collected per passenger. Commitment 1.5: Preserve the environment: water, soil, and biodiversity; reduce the biodiversity footprint of our value chain The airport platforms are located in regions that should not be degraded by their activities. The preservation of natural environments and the health of residents living near airports are at the origin of the successive policies of Aéroports de Paris SA in favour of the environment. Previously, Aéroports de Paris SA focused its efforts on implementing the concrete measures necessary to reduce the environmental impact of its own activities on natural environments.



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