2022 Universal Registration Document
Soc i al , env i ronmental and soc i etal respons i b i l i ty i nformat i on Lead the environmental transition of the airport and support that of air transport
Promote the integration of each airport into a system of local resources: ◆ 3.1 develop an industrial and regional ecology strategy for construction materials and energy; ◆ 3.2 measure and monitor air quality and noise exposure to protect the health of local residents. The theme of noise and health will be more broadly addressed in Groupe ADP’s societal policy; ◆ 3.3 be a privileged partner of the regions and scientific and non-profit organisations in terms of biodiversity conservation and awareness. Reduce the environmental footprint of airport activity improvement and development projects: ◆ 4.1 implement a low-carbon construction and circular economy policy; build as little as possible, and in a modular and flexible way; implement environmental governance for investment projects, with a carbon and biodiversity budget. This ambition to have carbon and biodiversity budgets is rooted in the climate and biodiversity conservation emergencies, regularly reviewed by the IPCC and IPBES; ◆ 4.2 limit the environmental impact of development projects and construction sites (noise impact, waste, air quality, CO 2 , etc.); ◆ 4.3 improve the ecological value of our sites, ensure ecological continuity and aim for Net Zero Waterproofing, as part of our project management responsibility. This trajectory towards Net Zero Waterproofing is also a strong marker of this new policy; ◆ 4.4 obtain environmental labels for all projects. Theme 1: Move towards operations with zero environmental impact Commitment 1.1: Implement the roadmap to achieve carbon neutrality on our internal emissions (scopes 1 & 2), on all our platforms by 2030 and ZEN 2030 (Orly, LBG) – 2035 (CDG) – 2050 (other committed platforms). The fight against climate change is one of the pillars of Groupe ADP’s new environmental and energy policy. All the airports that have signed the Airport For Trust charter around the world are committed to and share this same ambition. Fully committed to reducing its CO 2 emissions, improving its energy efficiency and developing renewable energies, Group ADP has adopted the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG nos. 7 (Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all), 9 (Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation) and 13 (Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts).
In addition, Groupe ADP participates with members of the aeronautical and airport community in studies to promote the decarbonization of the aviation sector, in particular through the work of CORAC and professional federations (example work in 2022: Article 301 of the SFEC: French Energy and Climate Strategy). POLICY AND OBJECTIVES The scope of this theme, which involves internal emissions, known as scopes 1 and 2, includes emissions from thermal power plants, service vehicles and electricity purchases. They concern all emissions directly emitted by the activities operated and controlled by Groupe ADP (scope 1) and by emissions related to purchased energy (scope 2). It should also be noted that the carbon neutrality and net-zero emissions (ZEN) commitments are part of the ACA (Airport Carbon Accreditation) framework developed by the ACI (Airport Council International) and audited by an independent third party. They concern internal emissions (scopes 1 & 2) as well as emissions related to employee business travel. To reduce its internal emissions and contribute to the carbon neutrality roadmap, Groupe ADP has set the following objectives, for the Parisian platforms, to reduce its CO 2 emissions by 2025: To achieve its climate objectives, improving energy performance is one of the first levers. For this, the implementation of an energy management system is necessary to control energy consumption. Groupe ADP’s Paris, Amman and Esenboğa platforms are ISO 50 001 “Energy Management” certified. Santiago de Chile airport is in the process of implementing an energy management system that will also allow it to be ISO 50 001 certified. Groupe ADP has defined two energy performance indicators to manage the energy consumption of its Parisian platforms compared to 2019: ◆ to set up these two indicators, a correlation analysis with influential factors (Unified Degree Day (UDD) hot, UDD cold, occupied surface area, number of passengers) was carried out in 2019. The main influencing factors are: ◆ for heating consumption: hot UDD, surface areas and number of passengers, ◆ for electricity consumption: hot UDD, cold UDD, surfaces and the number of passengers. ◆ an energy performance indicator for electricity; ◆ an energy performance indicator for heating; % CO 2 reduction ( vs. 2010) Platform(s) concerned 78% 86% 70% 80% Paris-Charles de Gaulle Paris-Orly Paris-Le Bourget Aéroports de Paris
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