2022 Universal Registration Document

Soc i al , env i ronmental and soc i etal respons i b i l i ty i nformat i on


In 2022, additional systems supported the departments concerned with dynamic workspaces. For Aéroports de Paris SA, the Great Place to Work social barometer was used until 2019. A new survey on quality of life and working conditions was carried out by a specialized firm, Empreinte Humaine, in October 2022. In 2023, it will give rise to action plans, which will supplement those defined in the Single Document. The attendance rate was 51.2%. This survey, set up at the initiative of Aéroports de Paris SA, is steered by a committee made up of representatives of management and representatives of the C2SCT. Regular perception surveys will also be set up, with tools to provide a more frequent view of the social climate. Hub One has a bimonthly social listening barometer. For External PSR : attacks and incivility, the provisions include a training program (80 employees in 2021 and 100 in 2022), the identification of sensitive areas and the resulting action plans, a communicating safety system, as well as the strengthening of the public safety and social support approach. The Audit, Security and Risk Management Division also supervises the protection system for the Group’s expatriates on long- and short-term assignment . It is supported by training on safety awareness abroad. An Aéroports de Paris entity is dedicated to this. A Health Steering Committee is responsible for monitoring and adapting the measures to be taken according to the directives, situations and needs. Expatriates are regularly informed of the risks related to their country, in terms of health, the situation and the local environment. Following the restrictions due to Covid-19, for example, employees began to return to their workplaces, following the periods of remote work. The Group’s entities have implemented the government measures specific to each country for their employees. TAV Airports also has procedures designed to ensure the safety of employees abroad and is developing them in coordination with Aéroports de Paris. Special procedures were implemented for travel during the Covid-19 period, in close coordination with occupational physicians. In terms of occupational health and safety (OHS), the minimum requirement is full compliance with the applicable legal requirements, first and foremost, the implementation of the necessary actions to ensure it. All Group companies have health and safety management systems, with a global objective of zero accidents and the definition of defined smart targets. Information on accidents is collected regularly at all sites and accident investigations and analysis of causes are carried out by committees composed of doctors and specialists. Executive Management reviews quarterly and annual reports on OHS performance, whose governance is structured at local and central level. Periodic health checks of employees are carried out and monitored by doctors. TAV Airports also implemented health systems and protocols during the pandemic: sanitising of working places and tools, social distancing, distribution of gel, masks and visors, temperature taking, etc.

actions have resumed since the end of 2021, notably concerning attacks and incivility, awareness of driving two-wheel vehicles, and actions on construction sites and with subcontractors ( e.g. safety bunks, awareness-raising on distractors and the risks of addiction). In order to promote comprehensive and structural prevention, the Action plan for the prevention of PSR and support for employees was presented to the ESG Committee of the Board of Directors in February 2021, then to the Committee and the Board of Directors in October 2021 and October 2022. It relies in particular on managers. It is based on a global and structural approach, to have the ability to analyse and anticipate, and to be able to intervene on the various risk factors. It is based on: ◆ the multi-year occupational risk prevention plan , for which it is the priority. In 2021, actions to prevent RPS related to the health crisis continued for employees in partial employment, in order to maintain the link with the company. The external support and psychological support hotline remained active. Evaluation of PSRs in the Single Document is carried out regularly within the various departments, according to a methodology shared by the entire Group, enabling the identification of risk factors through discussion with the employees concerned. The PSR assessments for all working groups were finalized at the end of 2022; ◆ the manager support , key players in risk prevention and transformation management. For the resumption of activity, efforts continued, providing them with support in the restoration of work collectives, the management of possible internal tensions and external incivilities as well as in the organization of their activity. The managerial support program, launched in February 2021, enabled nearly 450managers to participate in co-development groups and practice-sharing workshops, and to follow thematic webinars. It continued in 2022; 671 managers participated in collective seminars and co-development groups and 550 in webinars. Reference guides have been distributed to managers and HR managers to facilitate discussions with a psychosocial dimension, and to raise awareness of the detection of weak signals and identify internal relays. A cross-functional social watch network as well as “social watch” points in the Management Committees have been initiated. The training on “integrating the human factor and PSR into the prevention of occupational risks” has been rolled out since September 2021 (50 employees) and continued in 2022 (155 employees); ◆ support for employees in changing professional situations: new business organisation, new environments and working methods. In the 2 nd half of 2021, the actions focused on teammanagement in a hybrid work organization, on the appropriation of the charter on the right to disconnect and supported the implementation of new organizations by promoting employee involvement. Employees affected by internal redeployment all benefited from personalized HR support.




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