2022 Universal Registration Document
Soc i al , env i ronmental and soc i etal respons i b i l i ty i nformat i on
As the main employer in its sector of activity, AIG’s challenge is not only the recruitment but also the retention and motivation of its employees, given its size. With this in mind, discussions are focused on possibilities for internal mobility, but also at Group level, particularly for young people, including for training. In 2022, 29 recruitments were completed. Hub One , in 2021 as in 2020, did not use partial activity. In 2021, Sysdream, a subsidiary of Hub One, had not implemented partial activity, after having used it from 11 May to 30 September 2020 for 31 employees (67% of the workforce). In 2022, the Hub One Group (Hub One, Mobility, Sysdream, ID Services) had 597 employees. Its scope was extended with the acquisition in October 2022 of ID Services, a company specializing in integration, maintenance and repair services in the traceability and industrial mobility sectors, which employ 40 people. At the Hub One level, there were also 144 permanent hires, including rare engineering skills, for which the company is attractive, particularly for young people, with a loyalty challenge. Work-study programs are an important source of skills (25 new work-study students in 2022), with an average recruitment rate of 50% at the end of their schooling. Like the other Group companies, ADP Ingénierie had used teleworking and partial activity until June 2021 during the health crisis, which aggravated the difficulties of the activity. The restructuring options for ADP Ingénierie studied by Group ADP led the Group’s management to present to the Social and Economic Committee (CSE) of ADP Ingénierie, on 21 January 2021, a plan for the amicable closure of the company, as part of a restructuring of the Group’s engineering, and a draft Employment Protection Plan (EPP). The PSE was implemented in 2021. People subject to redundancies benefited from redeployment aid and have been supported (training, mobility and redeployment aid, business creation or takeover, and reclassification leave, in particular). Development of attractiveness and of the employer brand The overall HR policy to attract and retain talent is based in particular on the possibility of offering career paths enabling each employee to develop, within the framework of the GEPP described above. The definition and implementation of the CSR strategy, the mechanisms of which are set out below in “Continuing to act for equality”, also contributes to attractiveness. Relationships with schools are a key factor in attracting young people. They take the form of partnerships with schools (Sciences Po, ENAC, EFREI). Participation in forums and actions with schools (coaching, CV advice, mock interviews) increases the Group’s visibility and promotes its business lines (ENAC Days, Sciences Po, ESTP, Femmes Ingénieurs, Rendez-vous for employment in Orly, Data days, Forum Trium, etc.). To welcome new employees under the best possible conditions, an induction program for all is offered: welcome by management, sponsorship by employees, practical advice, HR information, conference program, airport visits, etc.
In 2022, in the context of the resumption of air traffic, they are also implementing the policies to have the necessary resources. For TAV Airports in Turkey, a range of existing tools was used in 2020: remote work, partial activity affecting all employees, at different rates, according to local rules, which also set partial unemployment benefits. Put in place in March, the plan was renewed every month until 31 December and was combined with the holidays and salary reductions. The Company benefited from government subsidies. In 2021, teleworking continued, and layoffs were not authorized until February 2021. In the other countries where the TAV Airports Group operates, measures were taken according to the traffic and health situation, in accordance with national systems, and included: remote working, partial activity, mandatory holidays, days without pay, and reductions in wages. In 2022, TAV Airports developed three programs. The Eduport project, for the entire group, is assessed as part of a needs analysis which the Company meets through comprehensive general training. The creation and definition of a talent pool feeds into personalized development programs and the qualification of current and future leaders. This talent management project, set up from 2022, will include in a program people from the NTAV project who are graduates of major universities. This third project, NTAV, aimed at young talents, is described below, in the “Employment of young people” section. These projects include the development of employees in their current positions, which may offer career opportunities. They are included in the talent management project process and supported with the project and development program processes. Intra-group mobility can take place in a horizontal or vertical manner, or abroad. For Société de Distribution Aéroportuaire (SDA) , the agreement relating to long-term partial activity, signed in 2021, was applied from 1 August 2021 through 31 May 2022. Partial activity under ordinary law was rolled out on 16 March 2020 to deal with the sudden drop in traffic and the non-authorisation of its activities, associated with the taking of leave by employees. The inactivity rate, represented up to 98% for the vast majority of functions, for an average rate of 70% over the period from 16 March to 31 December 2020. In 2022, Société de Développement Aéroportuaire continued to implement the Employment Protection Plan (PSE) meeting its obligations with the support measures. External reclassifications were supported by a specialized firm. For AIG (Jordan), redundancies were prohibited by the State. In March 2020, the percentage of activity was 20% for employees working on site. It gradually increased to reach full capacity on 14 June, at 54% of the workforce, i.e. all employees working in shifts, in accordance with local health and safety regulations. 46% of employees worked remotely. Managers continued to interact with the teams on a remote basis. Training was also conducted online. Since 30 May 2021, all employees have returned to the site. Wage reductions were implemented from March to 31 December 2021. There were no layoffs. Retirement departures were anticipated.
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