2022 Universal Registration Document
Soc i al , env i ronmental and soc i etal respons i b i l i ty i nformat i on
Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) challenges at the heart of Aéroports de Paris’ corporate project
For more information, see chapter
Nature of the risk Risk policies and management
Risk related to the development projects of the Group’s platforms: risks related to the effects of climate change Insufficient consideration of environmental issues as well as the impacts of climate change could negatively affect Group ADP’s activity and growth outlook or even lead to restrictions on air traffic at our airports
In 2022, Group ADP launched a study on current and future climate risks in order to identify the most exposed sites as well as the most impacting perils, based on the European Taxonomy classification on climate-related risks. The results of this study are detailed below this table. In addition to its regulatory obligations and thanks to the support of its CSR policy, Group ADP ensures, for all its platforms, that its internal environmental footprint is minimized. The 2025 CSR Pioneers for Trust environmental policy, and its environmental section in particular, covers all environmental issues, its entire value chain and all Group airports that are signatories to the Airport For Trust charter. The ESG policy includes several objectives and trajectories to control environmental risks specifically focused on the challenges of sustainable construction and development. In particular, Aéroports de Paris is committed to implementing a carbon budgeting tool (development of the tool underway in 2022, implementation from 2023). In addition, a Dependency and Biodiversity Impacts study was conducted in 2022 to identify risks specifically related to the impacts of projects and the operation of airport platforms as well as the dependence of platforms on nature. In 2023, these elements will lead to the definition and implementation of a policy for managing these risks and resilience. As mentioned above, Aéroports de Paris also launched a study in 2022 to determine the Group’s exposure to climate risks. The results of this study conclude, after analysing the various physical risks, that of the Group’s twenty-seven airports, three are considered to be at extreme risk (risks with potential damage in the medium and long term) and five at high risk (risks with potential damage in the medium term). Heat is the source of exposure for most assets, although other physical risks such as flooding, water stress and tropical cyclones can also affect platform activities. Aéroports de Paris is also committed to a voluntary approach to define its Net Zero Soil Proofing trajectory for its new projects, which enable rainwater to be returned to nature in a controlled manner using nature‑based solutions such as defined by the French Biodiversity Office. Through its climate commitments (see Chapter “Commitment 1.1”), the Group optimizes the design of its facilities by integrating new technologies (drones, electric aircraft, etc.) and new energy sources (sustainable aeronautical fuels, hydrogen, electricity). Lastly, in 2022, the Group launched a study on the dependence and impacts of stressed natural resources. This study will focus on the resources used in construction projects. Without waiting for the results of this study, Aéroports de Paris has already embarked on a circular economy approach to construction. For this, ADP SA has committed to the approach launched by the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area by signing the Metropolitan Charter for Circular Construction in December 2022.
5.3 Lead the environmental transformation of the airport and support that of air transport
The ESG policy has enabled Group ADP to: Reduce by 65% our CO 2 emissions per passenger (scopes 1&2) in absolute value, compared to 2009 to end-2020 Improve our energy efficiency by 29% compared to 2015 to end-2021 Reach a 10.8% share of renewable energy in our final consumption at end-2022 Achieve 21% of clean vehicles (electric and hybrid vehicles) in our light vehicle fleet at end-2022 Carry out a series of studies on Net Zero waterproofing To work with two oil tankers that offer a continuous mix of 30% SAF at Le Bourget airport Start studies on the possibility of setting up a hydrogen fuel farm at Charles de Gaulle and Orly Initiate studies to have a carbon budgeting methodology to limit development budgets
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