2022 Universal Registration Document
At 31 December 2022, the Committee was composed of six members: Fanny Letier, its Chairwoman, Nancy Dunant, Olivier Grunberg, independent director, Cécile de Guillebon, Valérie Schorgeré and Perrine Vidalenche. Tasks and functioning The purpose of the ESG Committee is to: ◆ review the main environmental, social and governance challenges impacting the Company; ◆ review the Environment Social and Governance strategy and action plan, including the undertakings of the Company in this area and monitor their implementation and propose measures to be implemented; ◆ submit proposals and opinions to the Board of Directors that take into consideration the ESG challenges impacting the Company to set the direction of the latter’s actions; ◆ review the ESG reports submitted to the Board of Directors in line with the applicable laws and regulations; ◆ study the non-financial scores obtained by the Company and define objectives in this area, where applicable; ◆ with respect to sponsorship: review the Company’s guidelines and principles for participation. An annual review of sponsorship activities is submitted to the Committee. Activity of the ESG Committee in 2022 The ESG Committee meets at least once a year and as often as required. The ESG Committee can only meet if half of the appointed members are present. In 2022, it met four times with an attendance rate of 100%. During its meetings, the Committee debated on such items as: ◆ the proposed ESG Committee roadmap for 2022; ◆ the assessment of the consideration of social and environmental issues and the purpose; ◆ the 2021 non-financial performance statement describing the main ESG risks; ◆ the presentation of taxonomy; ◆ the ESG, Environment and Climate strategy: ◆ general presentation of the ESG, Environment and Climate, Social, Societal and Governance strategy and deployment mechanism, ◆ detailed presentation on each of the items, in particular the environment and climate pillar; ◆ ethics: ◆ Progress report on the duty of vigilance - Aéroports de Paris’ supplier responsibility issues and actions, ◆ the 2022 ethical climate barometer; ◆ social issues: ◆ Aéroports de Paris’ policy on non-discrimination and diversity, in particular the balanced representation of women and men on governing bodies and professional and salary equality, and the gender balance policy within governing bodies, ◆ the actions needed to improve health and safety at work;
◆ societal issues: ◆ the assessment of Groupe ADP’s civic engagement actions, ◆ the presentation of the activities’ assessment by the members of the Stakeholders Committee, created on 6 July 2021, bringing together experts from the biodiversity, aviation, climate, employment and airport development sectors, which contributes to the governance of Groupe ADP, a collective reflection and a multidisciplinary perspective on key ESG issues, ◆ the assessment and outlook in terms of employment at airport platforms, ◆ the issue and actions in terms of social responsibility with regard to airports: airport noise pollution - soundproofing and assistance for local residents. A SSESSMENT OF THE FUNCTIONING OF THE BOARD AND ITS COMMITTEES The Rules of Procedure provide that once a year, the Board discusses its own performance and proposes amendments to the Rules of Procedure if it finds it necessary. The evaluation thus established corresponds to the three objectives and the procedures set out by the AFEP-MEDEF Code on the matter. The Board may order an external evaluation of its own performance every three years, under the direction of the Senior Director and of the Compensation, Appointments and Corporate Governance Committee. In 2022, the Board of Directors decided to carry out an assessment, conducted by an external service provider, under the guidance of the referent administrator and the Chair of the Compensation, Appointments and Governance Committee. As the last external assessment was carried out in 2019, an internal assessment was conducted in 2020 and 2021, based on a questionnaire completed by each member of the Board of Directors. The exercise conducted in 2022 by the service provider included an assessment of the collective functioning of the Board and an assessment of its evolution, supplemented by an assessment of the individual contribution of the directors in accordance with the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF Code. In this process, each director first completed the same online questionnaire and was then interviewed confidentially by the service provider on the basis of the same interview guide. The director was invited to give his point of view on the collective functioning of the Board but also, in a constructive manner, on the way in which each member of the Board of Directors plays his or her role. The conclusions were reported at the Board of Directors’ meeting of 14 December 2022, after review by the Compensation, Appointments and Corporate Governance Committee. The functioning of the Board of Directors has shown significant changes since the last external assessment. The improvement in the dynamics and effectiveness of the Board is perceived positively by all its members, partly thanks to the change in the composition. The dynamics of the meetings promote open dialogue and enable the Board of Directors to carry out its control and supervisory role. The non-separated formof governance continues to be considered appropriate, given the Company’s shareholding structure and the complexity of the stakeholders. Lastly, collaboration between the Chairman and CEO and the referent administrator is fluid.
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