2022 Universal Registration Document
this end, the Committee ensures the balance of the composition of the Board of Directors, by seeking profiles that meet the needs of the company in terms of professional experience (expertise in certain business sectors, specific skills, etc.), ethics, independence and gender balance. In view of the composition of the Board of Directors, the Compensation, Appointments and Governance Committee set up a procedure in 2021 for selecting future independent directors. During the year 2022, with the help of an external firm, the Committee proposed to the Board of Directors qualified candidates as independent directors. The appointment process is specific to each category: ◆ the director representing the French State, Article 4.I of the order states that the State appoints, by decree, a representative on the boards of directors of the companies in which it directly holds more than half of the capital; ◆ the directors proposed by the French State and appointed by the Annual General Meeting, Under Article 6.II of the order, the State may propose to the competent bodies the appointment of one or more members of the Board of Directors. They represent the interests of the State in its capacity as a shareholder (see Article 6.III of the order). The candidates proposed by the French State are submitted to the Compensation, Appointments and Corporate Governance Committee, which examines these candidates with regard to the profiles sought. On its recommendation, the Board of Directors will propose the candidates to the Annual General Meeting; ◆ directors representing employees, The selection process for directors representing employees is based on the law on the democratisation of the public sector no. 83-675 of 26 July 1983 and decree no. 83-1160 of 26 December 1983, as amended, implementing the law. These laws set out their method of election. In accordance with current legislation, one-third of the seats on the Board is reserved for employee representatives elected by employees of Aéroports de Paris and certain subsidiaries; ◆ directors appointed by the Annual General Meeting, including independent directors, Regardless of the application of shareholder agreements, as of financial year 2021, candidates will be selected, with the help of a recruitment firm, by the Compensation, Appointments and Corporate Governance Committee. On its recommendation, the Board of Directors will propose the selected candidate to the Annual General Meeting. In accordance with the procedures described above, on the proposal of the Compensation, Appointments and Governance Committee, in 2022, the Board of Directors: ◆ co-opted two independent directors, which were ratified by the Annual General Meeting of 17 May 2022. Sylvia Metayer and Olivier Grunberg, independent directors, were selected with the help of a recruitment firm to replace Dirk Benschop and Robert Carsouw; ◆ submitted to the Annual General Meeting, on the proposal of the French State, the appointment of Cécile de Guillebon and Pierre Cunéo, and the reappointment of Jean-Benoît Albertini and Perrine Vidalenche.
The shareholders, at a General Meeting held on 20 May 2019, renewed the terms of office of Augustin de Romanet, Jacques Gounon and Predica Prévoyance Dialogue du Crédit Agricole represented by Matthieu Lance, since 1 April 2022. The Annual General Meeting ratified the co-option of Séverin Cabannes to replace Vinci, at its meeting of 11 May 2021 and those of Sylvia Metayer and Olivier Grunberg, at its meeting of 17 May 2022, to replace Robert Carsouw and Dirk Benschop. In application of the aforementioned order, the director representing the French State is May Gicquel, appointed by a Decree dated 16 November 2022, Claire Vernet-Garnier, who resigned on 16 November 2022. On the proposal of the French State, the Annual General Meeting of 20 May 2019 and 17 May 2022 appointed: Jean-Benoît Albertini, Pierre Cunéo, Cécile de Guillebon, Fanny Letier and Perrine Vidalenche. The directors representing employees were elected on 22 May 2019, in line with the law of 26 July 1983 on the democratisation of the public sector, by the employees of Aéroports de Paris and certain subsidiaries. They are Isabelle Bigand-Viviani (CGT), Fayçal Dekkiche (CFE/CGC), Nancy Dunant (CFE/CGC), Frédéric Gillet (CFDT), Jean-Paul Jouvent (SAPAP), Valérie Schorgeré (CGT). In application of Article 13 of the Articles of Association, non voting Board members attend meetings of the Board of Directors in an advisory capacity. Anne Hidalgo, Christine Janodet, Valérie Pécresse and Patrick Renaud were appointed or renewed as non voting Board members by the Annual General Meeting of 20 May 2019. Pursuant to Article 13 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the mandate for directors and non-voting Board members is for five years. Article R. 251-1 of the French Civil Aviation Code makes provision for the minister in charge of civil aviation to appoint by decree a Government commissioner and a deputy Government commissioner entitled to sit on the Aéroports de Paris Board of Directors in a consultative capacity. Damien Cazé, Director General of the French Civil Aviation Authority and Marc Borel, Director of Air Transport, were appointed Government Commissioner and Deputy Government Commissioner, respectively, at Aéroports de Paris by order of the Civil Aviation Minister on 26 October 2020 and 15 June 2015. Jean-Marc Delion, Economic and Financial Controller, and Thierry Bouchet, appointed Secretary of the Social and Economic Committee, also attend the Board of Directors meetings without voting rights. Procedure for the selection of directors Aéroports de Paris is governed by Order no. 2014-948 of 20 August 2014 on governance as a result of its status as a public company controlled by a majority shareholder. Consequently, the composition of the Board of Directors is based on five categories of directors: 1. the executive corporate officer; 2. the director appointed by the French State, by decree; 3. the directors proposed by the French State and appointed by the Annual General Meeting; 4. the directors appointed by the Annual General Meeting, including independent directors; 5. the directors elected by employees. The Compensation, Appointments and Corporate Governance Committee organises the procedure for selecting directors. To
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